How can I turn my breech baby naturally at 33 weeks?

Knee to chest position is the most common position for turning breech babies after 32 weeks. There are many international studies that have supported this exercise as it helps the lower portion of your uterus to expand, thus more space for the baby to turn the right way.

Is it possible to do an ECV on a breech baby?

A note from Cleveland Clinic An external cephalic version (ECV) can be a successful way to turn a breech baby to a head-first position. It’s used when a person wants to try for a vaginal delivery. Discuss the procedure with your healthcare provider to make sure you understand the risks.

What does it mean if baby is breech at 33 weeks?

Most babies maximize their cramped quarters by settling in head down, in what’s known as a cephalic or vertex presentation. But if you have a breech baby, it means they’re poised to come out buttocks and/or feet first. At 28 weeks or less, about a quarter of babies are breech, and at 32 weeks, 7 percent are breech.

Can a breech baby turn at 33 weeks?

It is fairly common for a baby to be in a breech position before 35 to 36 weeks gestation, but most gradually turn to the head-down position before the last month.

Does ECV hurt?

Everyone reacts differently, so you might feel discomfort or pain. Many women go through an ECV without any painkillers. But your doctor may give you an epidural or other pain medication or even put you to sleep during the procedure.

Is it worth trying an ECV?

While ECVs are considered a safe option for some, the risks may not outweigh the benefits for others. Most providers will not perform an ECV before full term for a couple reasons. One, it could cause labor to begin or delivery could become necessary. Two, many babies turn on their own before being full-term.

When is ECV not recommended?

An ECV isn’t right for you if you’re expecting more than one baby or you need a C-section. It also works best on women with a pear-shaped womb and not those with a heart-shaped womb, called a bicornuate uterus.

Do breech babies usually come early?

Premature babies (those born 3 or more weeks early and weighing less than 5 1/2 pounds) are also more likely to be breech. Early in pregnancy, the shape of the uterus and the shape of the baby’s head and body are such that breech presentation is more common.

Can baby still turn at 34 weeks?

Between 24-29 weeks, most babies turn vertical and some will be breech. By 30-32 weeks, most babies flip head down and bottom-up. By 34 weeks pregnant, the provider expects the baby to be head down. Between 36-37 weeks, a provider may suggest an external cephalic version.