How can I see all my past posts on Facebook?

Tap in the top right of Facebook, then tap your name. Tap below your profile picture, then tap Activity Log. Tap Filter at the top of your activity log to review activities like: Things you’ve posted.

How far back does your Facebook Timeline go?

A post left on a Facebook Wall remains there indefinitely, as long as the owner of the account keeps his account active. Over time, depending on how often people post on the wall, posts are pushed down toward the bottom of the page.

Why can’t I see all the posts on my Facebook timeline?

If your Facebook feed doesn’t appear to be showing the most recent posts, or if some posts which are shared to your Facebook page are missing, then the most likely explanation is that those posts in your feed may be shared from a user’s personal Facebook profile or a Facebook page which has an age or location …

What is limit past posts on Facebook?

Limit Past Posts only controls the audience for posts you’ve shared. If you’ve been tagged in someone else’s post, they control the audience for their posts. When you share something on someone else’s profile, that person controls the audience for the post.

How do you scroll down for a year on Facebook?

You can click the one on the right of the top menu bar or in the left sidebar. Scroll down and click Recent. This will appear in the upper left as you scroll down past your profile picture. Click the year you want to jump to.

Why do some Facebook posts disappear?

If one of your posts goes missing from your friend’s Wall, the most likely reasons are that either you or the profile owner deleted the post – either on purpose or by accident. In less frequent cases, Facebook will remove a post that violates the site’s rules.

Can you search Facebook Timeline by date?

For example, if you are searching your Page for a status update that you posted to your Timeline, click the “Your Posts” option. You also can choose the “Year” and “Month” filters on the right side of the page to filter results by date.

Can you skip to a certain year on Facebook?

How do you unlimit past posts on Facebook?

  1. Tap. in the top right of Facebook.
  2. Scroll down and tap Settings.
  3. Scroll down to Audience and Visibility and tap Posts.
  4. Tap Limit who can see past posts.
  5. Tap Limit Old Posts, then tap Confirm to confirm your decision.

How to find old posts on Facebook?

Facebook, Instagram and TikTok are rife with spambots. WSJ’s Dalvin Brown spoke with social media and cybersecurity experts to find out how spambots work Illustration: Sebastian Vega Deleting old social-media posts is good hygiene, no matter who

How do you search a timeline on Facebook?

Open your web browser and visit the Facebook website.

  • Log in to your account,if you haven’t done so already,using your Facebook credentials.
  • Click your name from the upper right hand corner of the page.
  • Locate and click the Gears icon on your Facebook page.
  • Click the View As option.
  • Who sees your Facebook posts?

    Take a screenshot of the post you want to ask about.

  • Click on the Stories tab on the top left corner and start with a new story.
  • Now you can directly message your followers by tapping on the Text box icon and ask them as to who all saved the post and click on Done.
  • Where to find your Facebook timeline?

    – Load the page – Open the browser search and type your work or phrase – Click Find. – If no results were found, scroll down the page to load more posts – Click Find. – …and so on.