How can I prove I sold my car UK?

If you sell your vehicle to a motor trader or garage or need to tell us the vehicle is scrapped or written off. With your consent, the trader can tell DVLA that you’ve sold the vehicle to them online – just give them the V5C and ask them to use the online service to tell us straight away.

Why would DVLA send me a letter?

If the HGV or PSV driver commits a second offence, then they will get a second letter from DVLA telling them that they have automatically been reported to the traffic commissioner. We hope that by sending these letters, we will help to teach drivers about the dangers and consequences of committing the same offence.

Who should send off the v5?

The DVLA will expect to be informed as soon as the vehicle passes between owners. For a two-part V5C registration document: Fill in the ‘notification of sale or transfer’ section and send it to the DVLA. The other half of the document should be given to the buyer on purchase of the vehicle.

Am I responsible for a car after I sell it UK?

The DVLA must know your car has been sold or you will be liable for anything the new owner should be paying. It’s also worth remembering this because you could be fined up to £1,000 for not informing the DVLA of the sale. It’s always vital to tell the DVLA as soon as you sell your car.

How do I inform DVLA that I sold my car without logbook?

You should still inform the DVLA of the sale. To do so write to DVLA, Swansea, SA99 1AR and explain that you have sold the vehicle….Without a V5C

  1. Vehicle registration mark.
  2. Make and model.
  3. Exact date of sale.
  4. Name and address of the new keeper.

Do I need to tell the DVLA I’ve sold my car?

You must tell DVLA you’ve sold the vehicle and give them the full name and address of the buyer. If you do not do this, any vehicle tax refund you’re owed might be affected.

How much is a DVLA fine for no tax?

The penalty is either £2,500 or five times the amount of tax chargeable, whichever is greater. Vehicle may be clamped and additional fees may apply. The Vehicle Excise and Registration Act 1994 (VERA) (as amended).

Who keeps the V5 when selling a car?

The dealer will keep the V5C document (apart from the V5C/3) and give this to the person who buys the vehicle from them.

What do I send to DVLA when I sell my car?

Send it to DVLA, Swansea, SA99 1BD. Include a letter giving the buyer’s name and address. Give the rest of your log book to the buyer – they’ll need it to register the vehicle in the country they’re going to.

How do I inform DVLA that I sold my car without a v5?

Without a V5C You should still inform the DVLA of the sale. To do so write to DVLA, Swansea, SA99 1AR and explain that you have sold the vehicle.

Whose responsibility is it to transfer ownership of a car?

Essentially, the keeper of a vehicle is the person legally responsible for it, even if another party actually paid for it. Only a vehicle’s registered keeper can legally transfer a car and its logbook into another name.