How can I prepare for AFCAT SSB interview?

Preparation Tips for AFCAT AFSB Interview

  1. You should start reading the newspaper daily.
  2. You need to exercise daily to increase your stamina as the physical strength will be tested in the AFCAT AFSB Interview.
  3. You should try to learn some basic things about Indian Air Force such as ranks, missiles, commands and aircraft.

What will be asked in AFCAT interview?

General Questions Asked In An AFSB Interview Here are some of the general questions that are asked in an AFBS interview. Tell me about the preparation techniques you applied for the AFCAT exam? Why did you not choose CDS exams before AFCAT? Why do you want to be part of the Indian Airforce Army?

Is Afsb tougher than SSB?

Though there are few minor differences but the whole process is same, one can prepare for SSB or AFSB, it doesn’t matter because both follow the same tests procedure and expect the same level of performance.

Does AFCAT have SSB interview?

AFCAT SSB Interview: Interview Centre Candidates post-qualifying the online AFCAT examination will be invited for the AFSB (Air Force Selection Boards) or SSB Interview. It is conducted for 5 days. The AFSB is conducted at different AFSB centers.

Can we prepare for SSB in 10 days?

If you have just 10 days to prepare for SSB you should realize the following important issues: SSB is a comprehensive test of personality and if you have led a well- balanced life and have a well- rounded personality you will get selected without any preparation.

What is good score in AFCAT?

As per the previous year’s trends, a score between 150-180 is good enough to get shortlisted for an interview. Students should aim to score more than 160, as due to high competition, the candidate will have more chances of getting a mention on the final merit list.

What is OIR test in Afsb?

Screening. Officer Intelligence Rating or OIR is a test of intelligence of a candidate. This test comprises of two test booklets, each booklet has around 40 (sometimes 50) questions for which you will be given 17 Minutes time (will increase for 50 questions). You must try to solve all questions in the given time.

Is Lucent GK enough for AFCAT?

Is Lucent GK sufficient for the AFCAT? Yes, Lucent’s GK book helps prepare for the AFCAT but you can say it is sufficient for the AFCAT Exam but if you want a good score you need to go through different books according to the AFCAT Syllabus.

Is 250 a good score in AFCAT?

Enlisted below are a few pointers explaining how much is a good AFCAT Score. As per the previous year’s trends, a score between 150-180 is good enough to get shortlisted for an interview.