How can I improve my reading for IELTS general training?

Reading tips

  1. It’s always paraphrased. This is the most important IELTS reading tip:
  2. Skimming.
  3. Scanning.
  4. Focus on the ideas, not the words.
  5. Test different exam strategies, then choose a winner.
  6. Find proof in the text, underline and number.
  7. Don’t leave any question unanswered.
  8. Improve your reading speed.

What should I read for IELTS general?

Top 5 IELTS Preparation Books

  • Barron’s IELTS Superpack.
  • The Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS.
  • Cambridge IELTS 14 Academic Student’s Book with Answers with Audio.
  • Official IELTS Practice Materials.
  • Road to IELTS.

How do you get a 6.5 band to read?

IELTS Speaking Band 6.5

  1. Speak at length on certain topics.
  2. Use a range of linking words to connect ideas.
  3. Show good ability to paraphrase.
  4. Use both simple and complex structures.
  5. Speak with generally good pronunciation.

Is IELTS general reading easy?

For academic, they test your level of comprehension, and your ability to present complex ideas clearly. That’s why IELTS General Training Reading is easier than the IELTS Academic. Besides the difference in the language in both the exams, the scoring format is different as well. There is a difference of one band.

Is IELTS general easier than academic?

IELTS academic is harder than IELTS general training. The IELTS fee for academic and general training is INR 14,000. And the duration of the Ielts exam is 2 hours and 45 minutes. You can choose between paper based or computer delivered IELTS exam.

Is IELTS 7 Hard?

It is not impossible but it takes work. More realistic students tend to be around Band 6.5 and want a Band 7, In this case, their weak areas are easily fixed and they tend to have good vocabulary and grammar overall.

Is getting 6.5 IELTS easy?

Wondering how to get 6.5 in IELTS? Scoring 5.5 or 6 may seem possible from 4.5 or 5 with a little more practice and preparation; however, reaching 6.5 is a little difficult but not impossible. It will require substantial practice on your part.

Which is the hardest part in IELTS?

According to several surveys on IELTS modules, the Writing module is the toughest among the four. The writing is considered as the most difficult module of any exam.