How can I identify a house plant with a picture?

A good go-to option for identifying plants is our app PlantSnap. This app identifies flowers and leaves using a photo-identification algorithm. It can take a bit of practice to frame the photo correctly, but the app is excellent for identifying houseplants in seconds.

How do I identify my plant?

How to Identify a Plant

  1. Note the climate and region.
  2. Observe stems and branches.
  3. Note the leaf shape and size.
  4. Check the leaf arrangement.
  5. Note fruits and flowers.
  6. Look for barbs, hairs, or thorns.
  7. Note the smell.
  8. Check the roots.

What is the best plant care website?

Here are the five best sites for finding houseplant care advice, so you can keep your houseplants happy.

  1. Invincible Houseplants. Invincible Houseplants is a great resource for learning all about your plants, and the proper care that each of them needs.
  2. Our House Plants.
  3. House Plants Expert.
  4. The Houseplant Guru.
  5. Ohio Topics.

What is the most popular house plant?

Most Popular Houseplants

  • Croton. There’s no doubt croton is one of the most popular houseplants because it’s so colorful!
  • Lemon Lime Dracaena. Lemon Lime dracaena lights any indoor space.
  • Moth Orchid. This one might take you by surprise.
  • Anthurium.
  • Golden Pothos.
  • Lucky Bamboo.
  • Dracaena Marginata.
  • Snake Plant.

Is there a free app for identifying plants?

You can now get PlantSnap for free on Android and iOS! Free version users can get help instantly identifying flowers, trees, and all sorts of plant friends.

How do you identify house plants for free app?

PlantNet is our number one pick for a totally free plant identification app. PlantNet describes itself as a “citizen science project on biodiversity”. It counts on its users to create a botanical database and the user is the last word on whether or not the plant listed is a match.

Can Google identify plants from photos?

Google Lens is a tool that uses image recognition to help you navigate the real world through Google Assistant. You can use it to identify images on your camera and gain more information about landmarks, places, plants, animals, products, and other objects. It can also be used to scan and auto-translate text.

What is the best free plant app?

Top Apps to Identify Plants

  • iNaturalist. Free on Android and iOS.
  • Leafsnap. Free on iOS.
  • Plantifier. Free on Android and iOS.
  • iPflanzen. Free on Android and iOS.
  • SmartPlant. Free on Android and iOS.

Which is the best plant app?

The Best Plant Identification Apps

  • Leafsnap.
  • GardenAnswers.
  • iNaturalist.
  • PlantNet.
  • PictureThis.
  • Agrobase.
  • Plantix.
  • What’s That Flower.

What is the best indoor plant to have?

What Are The Best Low-Maintenance Indoor Plants? The best low-maintenance indoor plants include the peace lily, snake plant, cast iron plant, pothos, air plants and philodendron. These resilient indoor plants make excellent picks for beginners and people who travel or are away from home regularly.