How can I compare two databases in Oracle?

Comparing Diffs Between Two Oracle Database Schemas

  1. Select Source and Target.
  2. Select a schema or several schemas (if the tool provides such possibility) for comparison.
  3. Tune comparison process by checking the needed options (an optional step)
  4. View comparison results.

What are the different Oracle databases?

Releases and versions

Oracle Database Version Initial Release Version Terminal Patchset / RU Date
Oracle Database 12c Release 1 July 2014
Oracle Database 12c Release 2 March 2017
Oracle Database 18c 18.1.0 // January 2022
Oracle Database 19c 19.1.0 //

How can I find the difference between two tables in Oracle?

  1. Select “Tools”
  2. Select “Database Diff”
  3. Select “Source Connection”
  4. Select “Destination Connection”
  5. Select the “Standard Object Types” you want to compare.
  6. Enter the “Table Name”
  7. Click “Next” until you reach “Finish”
  8. Click “Finish”

What is Dbms_comparison?

The DBMS_COMPARISON package makes it easy to identify row differences between tables, single-table views, materialized views and synonyms to the previous object types, and optionally converge the data.

How do I find different records in two tables in SQL?

sql query to return differences between two tables

  1. SELECT DISTINCT [First Name], [Last Name], [Product Name] FROM [Temp Test Data] WHERE ([First Name] NOT IN (SELECT [First Name]
  2. SELECT td.[First Name], td.[Last Name], td.[Product Name]
  3. SELECT [First Name], [Last Name]

What is difference between Oracle 11g and 12c?

Oracle 12c is just upgraded version of the Oracle 11g with some new features like cloud support and pluggable database, kind of like master slave architecture. With the Oracle 12 c, you can plug your database to cloud anytime. It has multiple new features like JSON support, multitenant architecture and etc.