How can I check my Himachal pension online?

All the pensioners have to do is, Select District Treasury and Pension Type, input their PPO Number (numeric part only) and the name (Part/Full); the month wise pension details will be displayed. In case of any doubt, please feel free to write to District Treasury Officer, of your District.

How is pension calculated in HP govt?

8.1 Family pension shall be calculated at the uniform rate of 30% of basic pay in all cases and shall be subject to a minimum of Rs 3500/-. p.m. and maximum of Rs. 23700, being 30% of Rs. 79000.

What is gratuity for HP govt employees?

7.2 The amount of enhanced family pension shall be 50% of basic pay in the revised pay structure and shall be subject to a minimum of Rs. 9,000/-PM and the maximum family pension will be Rs. 1,12,050/-PM ( i.e. 50% of the Rs. 2,24,100/-).

How is da calculated in HP?

The formulae for calculating dearness allowance are as under: For central government employees: DA% = ((Average of AICPI (Base Year 2001=100) for the past 12 months -115.76)/115.76)100 For central public sector employees: DA% = ((Average of AICPI (Base Year 2001=100) for the past 3 months -126.33)/126.33)100 Here.

How do I check my pension details?

Check your Pension Payment Order (PPO) status provided by the Central Pension Accounting Office under the Ministry of Finance. Users can enter their 12 Digit PPO Number to check the status online.

How is monthly pension calculated?

Average Salary * Pensionable Service / 70 where,

  1. Average Salary means the average of the Basic Salary + DA combined, drawn in the last 12 months, and.
  2. Pensionable Service means the number of years worked in the organized sector after 15th November, 1995.

How do I check my PPO status?

Anybody can know the status of any particular PPO by using link “know your status”. Moreover, pensioners have been provided the facility of downloading the copy of PPOs and subsequent amendments issued by CPAO by using login and password after getting themselves registered on CPAO 16.

What is the calculation of pension?

Average Salary * Pensionable Service / 70 where, Average Salary means the average of the Basic Salary + DA combined, drawn in the last 12 months, and. Pensionable Service means the number of years worked in the organized sector after 15th November, 1995.

What is commutation of pension table?

The lump sum amount of commuted value of pension is calculated with reference to purchase value for the each next birthday as laid down in the Table of values prescribed from time to time and applicable to the applicant on the date commutation become absolute. The commutation table as prescribed by the Govt.

What is DA rate in Himachal Pradesh?

New Delhi: Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur, on Tuesday (January 25), announced a 31 per cent dearness allowance (DA) hike for the state government employees. The decision was taken by the government ahead of the state assembly elections that are due in 2022.

How do I download e PPO?

To view/download the e-PPO, retiree has to log into his Digi Locker account and simply click on the link.