How can I calm my Rahu?

Reciting or listening to “Vishnu Sahastranam” and thereafter offering a Coconut in the running water of a river, calms down Rahu. Reciting the “Panchakshari Mantra” of Lord Shiva on a daily basis is known to shower the blessings of Lord Shiva and remove all obstacles from life.

Which day is auspicious for Rahu?


Mantra Om Viprachitti putra Simhika putra Om Navagraha Rahuya Namah
Weapon Sceptre
Day Friday, Rāhu Kāla
Mount Black Lion

Is Rahu more powerful than Shani?

Shani Dev is the most powerful, but you Rahu planet is the most powerful of all the planets. Rahu is considered the most powerful planet among other planets, as it has the only power to extract good benefits from other planets. Due to Rahu planet, the sun and moon are eclipsed.

Are Rahu and Saturn friends?

Rahu Planet Mercury, Saturn and Ketu are friendly planets for Rahu. Sun, Venus and Mars are enemy planets for Rahu. Jupiter and Moon are even with Rahu.

Are Shani and Rahu friends?

When did Rahu give money?

Rahu in the 11th house gives a massive amount of wealth, especially during its Dasha. This Rahu gives provides success after the age of 31 or 34. In the 11th house, Rahu provides gains from opposite sex, association with persons of doubtful integrity or even ill-health.

Is silver good for Rahu?

It is believed that the bearer of a silver ring that’s worn after performing the proper vidhi is blessed with a lot of wealth and good luck. Such people are protected from evil eyes and even the malice of planets like Rahu since silver is associated with Lord Shiva.

How do you know if Rahu is strong or weak?

Rahu has no sign of its own, so it impacts like the lord of any house, which it inhabits. If Rahu is sitting alone in the center or is in a triangular position with the lord of that house, then it influences the native more. As per the science of Astrology, Rahu gets stronger in the 3rd, 6th, and 11th houses.

Is Saturn enemy of Rahu?

Mercury, Saturn and Ketu are friendly planets for Rahu. Sun, Venus and Mars are enemy planets for Rahu.