How can I calm my child from getting blood drawn?

Some helpful strategies include deep breathing, distraction with child’s favorite toy or stuffed animal, counting in a calm tone, comfort positioning, and use of Buzzy®. Buzzy is a small device shaped like a bee that vibrates on a child’s arm.

Is it hard to draw blood from a child?

In general, it is much more difficult to draw blood from children than from adults, due to the relative size of their veins. Unlike children, most adults can reason with their fears. As adults, we can understand the need for the tests our doctors recommend.

Where do they take blood from on a child?

Blood samples from children are often taken from the back of the hand. Their skin may be numbed with a special spray or cream before the sample is taken. A tight band (tourniquet) is usually put around your upper arm. This squeezes the arm, temporarily slowing down the flow of blood and causing the vein to swell.

How is blood drawn from a child?


  1. For venipuncture blood draws, the nurse will ask your child to roll up his or her sleeve.
  2. The nurse will wash the area with an antiseptic swab and tie a rubber cord around your child’s upper arm to make the veins bulge slightly.
  3. The nurse will place a needle into the vein in your child’s arm.

How do they draw blood from a 7 year old?

During a blood test, a sample will be taken from a vein in the arm, a fingertip, or a heel.

  1. If done on a vein, a health care professional will take a sample, using a small needle.
  2. A fingertip blood test is done by pricking your child’s fingertip.

How can parents help with a child’s tension and worry?

Help them relax so that stress and worry don’t build up. Help them expect good things. Ask your child or teen to share what’s going well and what they look forward to. Ask about the good things that happen in their day.

Can my child be sedated for a blood test?

No, sedation is only right for some children and is only needed for some tests. For example, if your child has significant medical problems, sedation may expose them to significant risk. If this is the case, it may be best for your child to receive general anesthesia with an anesthesiologist (see below).

Why is pediatric phlebotomy difficult?

Venipuncture can result in pain and anxiety for the pediatric patient. Traumatic experiences early in life may cause long-lasting effects, including a decreased threshold of tolerance, a lessened capacity to cope with pain and anxiety, and heightened pain perception.

Is getting blood drawn painful?

Having blood drawn is different for everyone. Some people aren’t bothered by it at all, while others worry that they may pass out at the sight of a needle. In the hands of a skilled phlebotomist or nurse, a blood draw shouldn’t be painful, but you may experience some brief discomfort.

Does getting bloodwork hurt?

While drawing blood is ideally a fast and minimally painful experience, it’s possible that some people will feel very nervous about getting stuck with a needle or seeing their own blood.

Is my child’s anxiety my fault?

Poor parenting doesn’t cause anxiety. Parents are quick to blame themselves or each other for their child’s anxiety. The truth is, poor parenting in and of itself can’t create an Anxiety Disorder. If you are an anxious parent, it is more likely that your genes rather than your parenting is to blame.