How can I become a STI officer in Maharashtra?

There are two ways through which you can become STI in Maharashtra.

  1. Through promotion from Tax Assistant ( कर सहाय्यक ).
  2. Through MPSC subordinate services Combined Group B Examination.

Is there interview for STI Maharashtra?

The selection for the MPSC STI post is divided into 3 stages mainly prelims, mains, and interview.

What is work of sales tax inspector in Maharashtra?

The various responsibilities to be carried out as a STI as per the MPSC Subordinate Services job profile are listed below: Providing guidance about and applying taxation legislation. Examining financial accounts and related documents. Managing budgets and resources.

What are the duties of STI?

State tax inspectors deal with sales tax-related cases. It has the responsibility to contact the defaulters, inform them about the payment of taxes, and send notices if required. To execute attachment or warrant, State Tax Inspector (STI) may need to visit shops or factories, or godowns.

What is STI post in MPSC?

Jun 4, 2022. MPSC Maharashtra public service commission has announced recruitment for the post of STI that is Sales Tax Inspector. This is a three-stage exam. Candidates need to clear all three levels to get selected. The three stages consist of Prelims exam, Mains Exam, and Interview.

How many attempts are in STI?

Age Limit, Educational Qualifications, Domicile for ASO, PSI, STI 666 posts

Post Age Number of Attempts
ASO 18 years Until maximum Age Limit
STI 18 years Until maximum Age Limit
PSI 19 years Until maximum Age Limit

How can I prepare for MPSC STI?

MPSC Group B Subordinate Services Exam – Strategy and Tips

  1. Preparation Tips, Trusted Books, Exam Highlights for MPSC Subordinate Services ASO, PSI, STI Posts.
  2. Read newspapers to be updated with the current affairs.
  3. Try studying in groups.
  4. Remember To Unwind.
  5. Ask for help.

What is PSI STI and ASO?

The State Public Service Commission conducts a joint pre-examination called ‘MPSC Subordinate Services (Combined)’ for recruitment to the posts of Assistant Section Officer (ASO), State Tax Inspector (STI), and Police Sub Inspector (PSI).

What is STI Aso?

Police Sub Inspectors (PSI), Assistant Section Officers (ASO) and State Tax Inspectors (STI)

What is the salary of deputy collector in Maharashtra?

DEPUTY COLLECTOR, GROUP A –DCA Salary: 15,600-39,100 + 5400 Dearness allowance and other allowances.