How big is STO install?
How big is STO install?
TL;DR: In the vicinity of 24GB unless you have an active subscription and want to play on the test server, which will require an additional content download.
Is Star Trek Online worth playing in 2021?
Luckily, it’s a pretty decent game. Though it’s been 11 years since launch, Star Trek Online is still going strong and continues to be updated with new ships, story content, and events.
How long is Star Trek Online?
Based on 15 User Ratings
Platform | Polled | Main |
PC | 9 | 120h 30m |
Is Star Trek Online open world?
Gameplay revolves around playing a character of desired faction in an open world, with various locations and elements from the Star Trek universe. It features a combination of space, where you take control of a starship, and ground portion of the game, where you control an avatar from the first or third person view.
Can you romance in Star Trek Online?
Is there romance in Star Trek Online? No, well not overtly, there are some relationships between NPCs but never towards the player character and there are no possibilities of a romantic follower in this game as far as I can see.
Is there PvP in Star Trek Online?
A form of “indirect” PvP is available as so called “Competitive Wargames”. These entail 5v5 Gauntlet-class War Game Scenarios, in which players will not be engaging in direct battle with the opposite team, but racing against them to solve puzzles and defeat enemies: “Binary Circuit”
Is Star Trek Online Worth Playing 2020?
Yes, I’d say it is. If you don’t have that investment in the source material, probably not. STO has some things going for it as a video game, and it’s certainly unique in the MMO space, but it has too many basis quality issues for it to be a game I’d recommend to someone who’s never watched an episode of Star Trek.
Can you create your own character in Star Trek Online?
Each Star Trek Online account comes with several character slots that players can use to make their own player characters.