How big is a saber tooth cat?

Smilodon was a large animal that weighed 160 to 280 kg (350-620 lbs), larger than lions and about the size of Siberian tigers. Smilodon was different from living large cats, with proportionally longer front legs and a much more muscular build. Its upper canine teeth are long, flat and daggerlike.

How tall was a saber tooth tiger?

It ranged from 160 to 280 kg (350 to 620 lb). and reached a shoulder height of 100 cm (39 in) and body length of 175 cm (69 in). It was similar to a lion in dimensions, but was more robust and muscular, and therefore had a larger body mass.

How long was a saber tooth tiger?

79 – 98 in
Saber Tooth Tiger

Kingdom Animalia
Niche Carnivorous
Length 79 – 98 in (2 – 2.5m)
Weight 661 lbs ( 300 kg)
Lifespan 20 – 40 years

Is a saber tooth tiger bigger than a tiger?

A saber-toothed cat, larger than the biggest tigers alive today, lived in North America between 5 – 9 million years ago, and used its massive forearms for hunting prey such as bison and rhinoceros, researchers have said.

What was the largest saber tooth cat?

One of the biggest cats ever discovered, M. lahayishupup is estimated in this new study to have a body mass of some 274 kilograms (604 pounds) or so, and possibly even bigger. It’s an ancient relative of the well-known Smilodon, the so-called saber-toothed tiger. A total of seven M.

How big was the biggest saber tooth tiger?

Tao Deng, who led the study, told MailOnline: ‘This sabertooth cat has a shoulder height of 1.3 m and a body length of 2.4 m (3.1 m with its tail).

Could saber-tooth tigers still exist?

Sabertooths ranged widely throughout North and South America and are related to modern cats. However, no real descendents of the sabertooth cat are alive today. One hundred years of excavations at the La Brea tar pits have led to the recovery of over a million bones.

What are habits of a saber toothed cat?

Introduction. Known for their tremendous tusklike upper canines,saber-toothed cats were among the most fearsome predators of the Ice Age (about 2.6 million to 11,700 years ago).

  • Physical Characteristics. Saber-toothed cats generally resembled modern big cats.
  • Locomotion and Behavior.
  • What if saber toothed cats were not extinct?

    Woolly mammoth. © LEONELLO CALVETTI/Science Photo Library RF/East News.…

  • Quagga. © Frederick York/Wikimedia Commons.…
  • Elephant bird. © ROMAN UCHYTEL/Science Photo Library/East News.…
  • Baiji (Chinese river dolphin)…
  • Glyptodont.…
  • Pyrenean ibex.…
  • Dodo.…
  • Tasmanian tiger.
  • What was the saber toothed cats enemies?

    Classification. Smilodon populator was the largest saber-toothed tiger.

  • Species. There are many different classifications of saber-toothed tigers,but three separate species are the most recognizable.
  • Occurrence.
  • Anatomy.
  • Smilodon populator.
  • Smilodon fatalis.
  • Smilodon gracilis.
  • Large canines.
  • Diet.
  • Social life.
  • What did the sabre toothed cat eat?


  • Rabbit.
  • Elephant.
  • Hyena.
  • Bunny.
  • Snow Puma.
  • Brown Bear.
  • Australian Kelpie.