How big is a Goristro?

Description. Goristroi had broad, lumbering frames that even among their smallest members stood at 20 ft (6.1 m) tall and weighed 14,000 lb (6,400 kg). Their overall structure was somewhat bear-like, but their arms were long and wide like the trunks of trees.

How tall is a Goristro 5e?

Keeper Yennen, from what little he knew of fiendish lore, said that goristros were “dangerous front-line behemoths when the fiends attacked these lands, back in the pre-Divergence era. They were twenty-plus feet tall and living battering rams that tore through stone like it was paper.

What is YENK critical role?

Yenk was a goristro from the Abyss that had devoured the Spire of Conflux. As an NPC, Yenk was played by Matthew Mercer.

How much HP does Thordak have?

↑ At least 1404 HP confirmed, with an additional 48 estimated damage taken. ↑ Thordak’s AC in his colossal form was 23.

Who kills Umbrasyl?

“Umbrasyl” (1×55) As the battle against the dragon began again, this time within the beast’s lair, Vox Machina and Shale managed to finally kill Umbrasyl, with Grog’s Bloodaxe dealing the final blow.

Who kills Raishan?

Raishan is the only member of the Chroma Conclave who suffered a killing blow by a guest character (Kerrek); her four colleagues were killed by members of Vox Machina: Vax’ildan (Brimscythe and Thordak), Vex’ahlia (Vorugal), and Grog (Umbrasyl).

How much HP did Umbrasyl have?

Umbrasyl had a max HP of 825. man you buffed him up from the book. But it made for a good fight.

What kind of rogue was VAX?

half-elf rogue / paladin
Vax’ildan, nicknamed Vax, is a half-elf rogue / paladin / druid and a member of Vox Machina.

Is Isharnai a Raishan?

The name “Isharnai” is an anagram of “I, Raishan”. Matthew Mercer imagines Isharnai, who is no longer under the effects of Modify Memory, has some respect for having been outmaneuvered, but will cross paths with Jester again.

Who did Raishan disguise as?

“The Siege of Emon” (1×78) Raishan, disguised as “Larkin” this time, joined Vox Machina and their allies to begin the attack on Emon.

What subclass is vex?

Vex’ahlia, nicknamed Vex, is a half-elf ranger / rogue member of Vox Machina.

Who married vex?

Vex and Percy kept their marriage a secret from everyone initially, though Taryon Darrington was eventually the first to find out (as Tary was a roommate of Vex, so he had seen the two of them together).