How big does a giant gourami get?

It is capable of breathing moist air, so can survive out of water for long periods. It is much larger than most gouramis (only the other Osphronemus species reach a similar size), growing to a maximum standard length of 70 cm (28 in), though most are only around 45 cm (18 in).

What size tank do giant Gouramis need?

Tank size. These are big fish! Juvenile specimens will do fine in a 30-gallon tank, but an adult needs an aquarium of at least 200 gallons, larger if the Giant gourami is to be a member of a community.

Is giant gourami rare?

This species is still relatively rare in the trade but care is identical to O. goramy.

How long does a giant gourami live?

Giant Gourami Facts & Overview

Category Rating
Temperament: Peaceful
Color: Soft golden yellow with pale blue stripes
Lifespan: 2–5 years
Size: Up to 20 inches long

Do giant Gouramis jump?

A few months before his 8th bithday, my blue spot/Opaline gourami decided to examine life on the other side of the glass. With a hop, skip, and one small jump for gouramis, one giant leap for fishkind, he managed to jump out of the tank, with the heavy wooden canopy closed, and ended up on the carpet in front.

Can giant gourami live in cold water?

Gourami’s Water Requirements pH should be between 6.8 and 7.8, alkalinity between 3° and 8° dkH (50 ppm to 140 ppm) and water temperature should remain between 75° and 80° F. If the aquarium is kept in rooms below 75°, use an Aqueon Aquarium Heater to maintain the correct temperature.

Do giant gouramis jump?

Can giant gourami live with Oscars?

Somewhat loners, they may fight fish of the same species when they are young. As they get older they mellow out but males tend to be aggressive to one another and may fight, rendering the well known gourami “kiss” in an aggressive ritualized manner. The conclusion is oscar is more aggressive than giant gouramis .

Do giant gourami have teeth?

Like their relatives, they are able to breathe out of water for short periods of time and are a freshwater species native to Southeast Asia. Unlike their betta cousins, gourami are primarily herbivores’. Which makes that set of teeth even more shocking! I mean, giant gourami even have teeth on their lips!

Do giant gourami need oxygen?

Like all other gouramis they have a special ‘labyrinth organ’ which enables them to survive in oxygen-depleted waters. This organ is a part of the fish which allows it to absorb atmospheric oxygen directly into the bloodstream by gulping air at the surface of the water.

Can gourami live without air pump?

Betta and the gourami are two non tank busting fish that you don’t need an air pump for.

Do you need heater for gourami?

To care for a dwarf gourami, keep it in a tank that holds at least 10 gallons of water per fish. Use a heater to keep the tank between 72° and 82° F, and test the pH of the water once a week to ensure it stays between 6 and 8.8.