How big do wonder killifish get?

The Golden Wonder Killifish is a small, slender-bodied fish that grows to be roughly four inches in length and can live in captivity for around four years. The fish’s dorsal fin is set toward the rear of the body, and the back is slightly arched.

Will Golden Wonder Killifish eat other fish?

They will not eat or bother plants, but they are fairly voracious predators of dwarf shrimp and even small fish such as microrasboras and very small danios or tetras. As with most predatory fish, the Golden Wonder Killifish will eat any animal that will fit in its mouth.

Can Golden Wonder Killifish live alone?

The Golden Wonder Killie (Aplocheilus lineatus), a popular and often available killie and the Blue Gularis (Fundulopanchax sjoestedti), one of the largest and best-known killifish, can both be aggressive and should be kept alone or with other “spirited” fish.

How long do Golden Wonder Killifish live?

Golden Wonder Killifish lifespan is generally up to 4 years when providing the optimal care and living conditions in a captivity environment.

Can killifish live with angelfish?

Severums and Angelfish are all great tank mates for large Killies. Pay close attention to the mouths of potential tank mates; large mouthed predators like Oscars will easily consume an adult Panchax or Golden Wonder. Other small-mouthed peaceful species include Peacock Cichlids (Aulonocara sp.)

Can betta fish live with killifish?

No, killifish cannot live with bettas. Killifish eggs and fry make a good snack for bettas, and the two are likely to get aggressive when kept in the same tank. Bettas are highly territorial pets that can become stressed by the presence of your killifish.

What fish can go with killifish?

Some recommended Killifish tank mates include:

  • Danios (we love the Celestial Pearl)
  • Smaller catfish varieties.
  • Tetras (neon, green, and ember)
  • Rainbows & other peaceful fish.

Can you mix killifish species?

Yes, you can mix different types of killifish. Killifish from the same genus (not species) can be kept together in the same tank. Male killifish are more aggressive than female killifish and can become aggressive with each other.