How big do Mojave ball pythons get?

As with all ball pythons, Mojave Ball Pythons grow quickly, with most reaching 20-24 inches (or longer!) by 2-3 months of age. In terms of adult length, Mojave ball pythons will grow on average to be a total length of 3 to 5 feet, depending on gender. However, some large females have been known to reach 6 feet.

How long is a ball python?

Ball pythons can reach up to 5 feet long with proper care.

What makes a Mojave ball python?

The Mojave is an incomplete dominant or what many refer to as Co-Dominant mutation that produces a Ball Python with various shades of browns, vibrant yellows, deep blacks, blue- grey body color, creamy highlights and flames. Mojaves are typically very easy to recognize by what is commonly known as the “Mojave Pattern”.

How big should a 2 year old ball python be?

Ball Python Size Chart By Age

Age Male Female
Juvenile 20 to 25 inches 25 to 30 inches
One year 1.5 to 2 ft 2 ft
Two Years 2 to 3 ft 2.5 to 3 ft
Three Years 2.5 to 3.5 ft 3 to 5 ft

What is a super Mojave?

The Super Mojave Ball Python is a blue eyed lucy that has light purple coloration on its head and neck.

Is a Mojave ball python poisonous?

Ball pythons are not venomous and don’t have fangs, so a bite may not be as severe as other snake bites. Always use caution if you’re bitten by a ball python, and seek medical treatment. Ball pythons are also known as royal pythons. They are originally from West Africa in countries like Ghana and Togo.

What is the longest ball python?

One study on wild male species found the largest individual was 4.5 feet long, but this is unusual. The smallest measured adult male was only two feet long. Female Ball Pythons are much larger due to their genetically faster growth rate.

What is the largest snake in the world?

What is the biggest snake in the world?

  • The largest snakes in the world belong to the python and boa families.
  • The reticulated python (Malayopython reticulatus) is the longest snake in the world, regularly reaching over 6.25 metres in length.

What should I breed a Mojave ball python with?

normal Ball Python
The simplest way to produce a Mojave Ball Python is to pair a Mojave with a normal Ball Python. The resulting offspring will consist of 50% Mojave’s and 50% Normal Ball Pythons. This pairing will not create any Super Mojave’s or Blue Eyed Leucistics. As you can see, there 4 possible outcomes.

What is the largest ball python?

Males are between 2.5 to 3.5 feet long by the time they reach three years old. One study on wild male species found the largest individual was 4.5 feet long, but this is unusual. The smallest measured adult male was only two feet long. Female Ball Pythons are much larger due to their genetically faster growth rate.

At what age is a ball python full grown?

Around 3 years of age your ball python will reach their full length.