How big do handkerchief trees grow?

Davidia involucrata is known by many names, Handkerchief tree, Dove or Ghost tree, all evoke a desire to plant this beautiful tree. A slow growing deciduous conical tree reaching a height of approx 13m/40ft.

Is Dove tree fruit edible?

mas (cornelian cherry) produces edible fruit, and C. macrophylla yields wood useful for furniture.

What type of tree is a ghost tree?

Davidia involucrata, the dove-tree, handkerchief tree, pocket handkerchief tree, or ghost tree, is a medium-sized deciduous tree in the family Nyssaceae. It is regarded as the only species in the monotypic genus Davidia. It was previously included with tupelos in the dogwood family, Cornaceae.

Why is it called a handkerchief tree?

As spring arrives in the gardens, our handkerchief trees (also commonly known as dove-trees) are soon covered in beautiful white bracts. It is named for these as they give the appearance of fluttering dove wings or handkerchiefs hanging down from the branches.

Is handkerchief tree fast growing?

This is a moderately fast-growing variety which grows to a height of 15-20 metres. It has heart shaped leaves and small but not easily seen flowers. The flower has two large and showy white bracts which hang from the stems like handkerchiefs giving the plant the name Handkerchief plant.

How long does a handkerchief tree take to grow?

They grow very quickly when young, but don’t flower for up to 10 years. There’s nothing you can do to speed up the flowering process, just be patient, and keep your tree well-watered during dry spells.

What does a dove tree look like?

On mature trees, large showy white bracts surrounding small, red-anthered flowers flutter like handkerchiefs in the slightest breeze, appearing from a distance like doves sitting among the branches. Broad leaves take on fall color varying from warm pastels to warmer orange and red tones.

How do you grow Davidia involucrata from seed?

Seeds require both warm and cold stratification in order to germinate. At Kew, this is achieved by placing the seed into polythene bags containing sand or perlite. The bags are kept in a warm place for four to six months, followed by storage in a cold place for three months.

Why ghost tree is called ghost tree?

The tree is named after the stinging hairs on its flowers and fruits – Urens is Latin for stinging. Gum oozes from a tree when it’s wounded; yet, it too, becomes a commodity for us humans, and cures our maladies.

Are handkerchief trees rare?

Handkerchief tree (Davidia involucrata) is a rare but highly sought-after tree, native to China. Also called the dove tree, it’s named after its beautiful white, flower-like bracts, which appear to flutter, like doves or handkerchiefs, in the slightest breeze.

Where do handkerchief trees grow?

in western China. Its common name of dove tree is in reference to its distinct pairs of white bracts, which dangle from the tree like large white handkerchiefs and is, in fact, sometimes referred to as the handkerchief tree.

How long does it take for a handkerchief tree to flower?

Once the flowers fade, ovoid greenish-brown fruits form and then fall to the ground. The seeds may self-germinate but this may take up to two years, as they have to be frozen twice in successive winters first, and it may take up to 15 years for the tree to come to flower, making it a rare and special tree.