How big do AeroGarden tomatoes get?

12″-18″ tall
Our Red Heirloom Tomatoes were specially selected for their high output of great tasting cherry tomatoes grown in your AeroGarden, any time of year! Plants grow to be 12″-18″ tall.

Which AeroGarden is best for tomatoes?

A: A larger aerogarden, like the AeroGarden Bounty Elite, is the best pick for growing tomatoes. Just make sure you select seeds for a small variety of tomatoes, like cherry tomatoes, since full tomatoes will be too large for any aerogarden.

Are AeroGarden Tomatoes good?

Love AeroGarden Red Heirloom Cherry tomatoes, This is the second time I have purchased them. They grow wonderfully and produce tomatoes for months and months. The last ones gave us tomatoes for about 8 months. The new plants sprouted in about 5 days and now after 3 weeks are about 4 inches tall.

Why is my tomato plant dying in my AeroGarden?

If the water is not being aerated, the roots can’t send enough oxygen up to the plants, which will then slowly suffocate until finally they collapse. AeroGardens have systems to aerate the water, and it’s important to check the pump or aerator periodically to make sure it is working.

How long does it take cherry tomatoes to grow in AeroGarden?

Fruiting vegetables (such as tomatoes and peppers): 7-10 days – it takes an average of 45 days to blossom, and then another week or two for those blossoms to turn into fruit if you are diligent about pollinating!

Should I trim my AeroGarden tomatoes?

Fun Fact: When tomatoes are grown outdoors there is usually no need to prune them, however we recommend pruning AeroGarden tomatoes to keep them small and compact and produce maximum harvests. No maintenance required. (Your seedlings are too young to prune). Time to top your plant!

How many tomatoes does an AeroGarden produce?

But unfortunately, it’s not correct. While a six-pod Aerogarden can grow six pods of basil, dill or other smaller plants, it can only accommodate about two tomato pods. Aerogarden tomatoes grow big, and they grow fast. It seems counterintuitive, but you’ll actually get more tomatoes with fewer plants in the unit.

How long do Aerogarden tomato plants last?

How long will tomato plants produce in the Aerogarden? According to the instructions, tomatoes are said to last for anywhere from six months to a year in the Aerogarden. I started out in October 2018 with two yellow-fruited and two red-fruited heirloom plants grown from pods purchased from Aerogarden.

Does Aerogarden smell?

Gotta love the smell of herbs, but the liquid that comes with the Aero has an unpleasant smell which also affects the taste of the herbs.

How long do AeroGarden tomato plants last?

How long do plants live in AeroGarden?

AeroGarden plants last for 3 months on average. Flowers and herbs go a little longer, and lettuce lasts a little less. Fruiting vegetables, such as tomatoes and peppers, can live up to 9 months long. Good care and a fresh hydroponic solution will help the plants live a long time.