How big around does a Green Giant arborvitae get?

50-60 feet tall
These trees can grow up to 3 feet per year until maturity in ideal growing conditions. Their ultimate height is 50-60 feet tall and their width can be up to 12-20 feet.

Can you keep Green Giant arborvitae small?

It is more than possible to keep Green Giant Arborvitae small for their entire lifespan, but they will need pruning each late summer or autumn. Both the tops and sides need trimming regularly if you want to keep your Green Giants small.

How quickly do Green Giant arborvitae grow?

3-5 feet per year
The thuja green giant arborvitae growth rate puts on 3-5 feet per year of height. A row of rich Green Giants will quickly create a privacy screen that blocks the wind and snow, and blocks the view. The dark green foliage of the green giant plant can grow in a wide range of soils.

How far apart should giant green arborvitae be planted?

How far apart should you plant Green Giant Arborvitae trees? Generally, the advice is to space Green Giant trees anywhere from 3 feet to 10 feet apart depending on how tall the hedge is desired to grow and how large the plants are to begin with.

How far from fence do you plant Green Giant arborvitae?

It’s the perfect screening plant when you need that screening to go high. A Word to the Wise: Along with height and fast growth comes width, so before planting Green Giant be sure you can give up 8 to 12 feet to this plant. Don’t put it two feet from your fence, or even from the property line.

Can I plant Green Giant arborvitae 3 feet apart?

Planting Green Giants 3 feet apart results in quick-forming hedgerows; however, planting these trees so close together prevents them from fully developing.

Can you control the height of Green Giant?

They will need to be pruned each year after the annual growth hardens off. Start at the top reducing the height as much as possible, then prune the sides from the top down. Attempting to or keeping them approximately 1/4 their normal size will likely shorten their lives.

How far from fence do you plant green giant arborvitae?

What happens if you plant green giants too close together?

The second problem is that plants naturally compete with each other for light, so by crowding them together they grow tall and skinny, and the lower branches quickly die, leaving your hedge bare and thin. A tall thin hedge is also much more likely to bend over or even break in a storm, strong winds or a blizzard.

Can you plant Green Giants 3 feet apart?

Use the wider spacing given here for vigorous plants like Thuja Green Giant, and the smaller spacing for others like Thuja Emerald Green. For a shorter hedge, less than 8 feet tall, plant 3 feet apart. For a larger hedge or screen, plant 4 to 6 feet apart.

What is the difference between emerald green and Green Giant arborvitae?

Emerald Green arborvitae grows much more narrow than Green Giant, and to a fraction of the height. Emerald Green is most effective used for privacy on smaller properties, or when a taller plant is not required. Because they grow more narrow, more plants must be used to provide an effective screen.

How Far Should Green Giants be from fence?

If your screen or hedge is against a building, plant 6 feet from the wall, to protect the foundations. If you are planting against a fence, plant 3 feet from the fence so that the lower part of the plants remains bushy and the hedge remains on your side of the property line.