How are the Senate and House of Representatives elected?

Representatives and Senators are directly elected by the public (see Capitol Visitor Center essay “Who Elects our Senators?”). Passing legislation requires the agreement of both the House and Senate. There are chambers for both in the U.S. Capitol.

What is the process of the House of Representatives?

First, a Representative sponsors a bill. The bill is then assigned to a committee for study. If released by the committee, the bill is put on a calendar to be voted on, debated or amended. If the bill passes by simple majority (218 of 435), the bill moves to the Senate.

How are seats in the House appointed?

The Constitution provides for proportional representation in the U.S. House of Representatives and the seats in the House are apportioned based on state population according to the constitutionally mandated Census.

What are the three ways voting is done in the House of Representatives?


  • Voice vote. A voice vote occurs when Members call out “Aye” or “No” when a question is first put by the Speaker.
  • Division vote.
  • Yea and Nay Vote.
  • Record Vote.

How is the leader of the House of Representatives chosen?

The Speaker is simultaneously the House’s presiding officer, party leader, and the institution’s administrative head, among other duties. The Speaker is elected at the beginning of a new Congress by a majority of the Representatives-elect from candidates separately chosen by the majority- and minority-party caucuses.

How long is a term in the House of Representatives?

Representatives serve 2-year terms. Read up on the relationship between the two chambers with these essays by the Senate Historian’s Office. Link to tables of information on the history of the House of Representatives.

How are representatives determined for each state?

Article I, Section II of the Constitution says that each state shall have at least one U.S. Representative, while the total size of a state’s delegation to the House depends on its population. The number of Representatives also cannot be greater than one for every thirty thousand people.