How are children treated in Syria?

Every day numerous violations of children’s rights take place in areas such as health, education, protection, etc. Syrian children are regularly exposed to escalating violence and explosive weapon attacks. Some are forced to become child soldiers while others are pushed into the workforce to provide for their families.

Who is helping the children in Syria?

More than 2.6 million children have been forced to flee Syria and are living in precarious conditions in surrounding countries. UNICEF is working tirelessly to protect Syrian children and give them hope for a happy future.

Why are child soldiers used in Syria?

With conflict raging since 2011, these groups turn to child populations to manage their shortage of combatants. By exploiting children in impoverished communities, groups use adults and other child victims to coerce and manipulate children into joining the armed forces.

How many Syrian refugees were children?

2.5 million children
Attachments. The Syrian refugee crisis remains the largest displacement crisis in the world, with 5.6 million registered refugees, including over 2.5 million children, living in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey.

Can you adopt a Syrian child?

Even without the chaos of civil war, Syria does not allow international adoption. As a Shari’ah law country, Syria does not recognize or provide for adoptions of Muslim children, according to the U.S. Embassy in Damascus.

Is child marriage legal in Syria?

Syrian family law sets the minimum legal age of marriage at 18 years for men, and 17 years for women. However, a religious judge has the right to authorize marriages for men as young as 15, and for girl as young as 13, as long as the underage party deliberately seeks marriage, and she or he appears mature.

What does save the children do in Syria?

We provide emergency and lifesaving support, combined with early recovery activities that help restore basic services for children and their families. Our goal is to ensure that every child in Syria survives, learns and is protected.

What’s happening to children in Syria?

They continue to live in fear of violence, landmines, and explosive remnants of war. They struggle with physical and psychological scars of war. In 2021, a third of children in Syria showed signs of psychological distress including anxiety, sadness, fatigue, or frequent trouble sleeping.

Are child soldiers still used in Syria?

The report estimates that there are no less than 1,374 child soldiers in the Syrian regime forces ranks. In addition, at least 78 children being recruited into Iranian militias or militias supported by Iran, 23 of them killed while participating in hostilities.

What does the UN say about violations against children in Syria?

Prioritize children And at least 32 parties to conflict were found responsible for them. “The consequences of such prolonged exposition to violence, to the violation and abuse of their most fundamental rights and to enormous stress, are dramatic”, said the UN expert. “It is bound to affect generations to come”.

Where did most of the Syrian refugees go?

Where are Syrian refugees going?

  • Turkey — Nearly 3.7 million Syrian refugees are in Turkey, the largest refugee population worldwide.
  • Lebanon — 855,000 Syrian refugees make up about one-eighth of Lebanon’s population.
  • Jordan — 668,000 Syrian refugees are in Jordan.
  • Iraq — 247,000 Syrian refugees are in Iraq.