How are carbon nanotubes fabricated?
How are carbon nanotubes fabricated?
The laser and arc methods require very high temperature (1200°C or above) to fabricate CNTs, while the location and alignment of the CNTs are difficult to control. Carbon nanotubes for thin film transistors are usually synthesized by thermal CVD or plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD).
Which method is used to form carbon nanotube?
Carbon nanotubes are synthesized by electric arc discharge method which is also called Plasma Arcing method.
Which material is used to form carbon nanotubes?
1 Carbon-Based Nanotubes. Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are the latest attraction in nanopharmacology. These unique carbon-based materials are made of thin graphite sheets with condensed benzene rings into a seamless tubular hollow cylinder [56]. CNTs are prepared from sp2 hybridized three-dimensional nanoscale tubes.
What are the two ways of preparation of carbon nanotubes?
The production of carbon nanotubes can be done by plasma based synthesis method or arc discharge evaporation method, laser ablation method, thermal synthesis process, chemical vapor deposition and by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition.
How many methods are used to prepare carbon nanotubes?
Commonly, three procedures are being used for producing CNTs: (1) the chemical vapor deposition (CVD) technique [12,13], (2) the laser-ablation technique [3,9], and (3) the carbon arc-discharge technique [14-16] (Table 3).
What are carbon nanotubes used for?
As of 2013, carbon nanotube production exceeded several thousand tons per year, used for applications in energy storage, device modelling, automotive parts, boat hulls, sporting goods, water filters, thin-film electronics, coatings, actuators and electromagnetic shields.
How are multiwalled carbon nanotubes made?
Their name is derived from their structure and the walls are formed by multiple one-atom-thick sheets of carbon. MWNTs consist of multiple rolled layers of concentric nanotubes of graphene inside other nanotubes.
What is the best method for preparing carbon nanotubes for industrial applications?
CNTs have been prepared in various ways such as arc discharge [2-7], laser ablation [8-9], and chemical vapor deposition (CVD) [10-18]. CVD has proved to be the most suitable synthesis process for the production of CNTs with controlled characteristics, such as diameter, length and number of walls.
What are the two types of carbon nanotubes?
In addition to the two different basic structures, there are three different possible types of carbon nanotubes. These three types of CNTs are armchair carbon nanotubes, zigzag carbon nanotubes, and chiral carbon nanotubes.