Does Warren City Schools have school today?
Does Warren City Schools have school today?
Classes are canceled for students in the Warren City Schools for Tuesday, February 16, 2021, due to inclement weather conditions.
How many students are in Warren High School?
3,592Warren High School / Number of students (2018–2019)
How many students attend Stevenson High School?
4,078 (2017)Stevenson High School / Total enrollment
What day does Warren City Schools start?
School Calendar 2019-2020
School Holidays | Starts | Finishes |
First Day of School | 20 Aug 2019 (Tue) | |
Thanksgiving Break | 27 Nov 2019 (Wed) | 29 Nov 2019 (Fri) |
Christmas Break | 23 Dec 2019 (Mon) | 3 Jan 2020 (Fri) |
Spring Break | 10 Apr 2020 (Fri) | 17 Apr 2020 (Fri) |
What school district is Warren Ohio?
District Name: Warren City schools for this district | NCES District ID: 3904499 |
Mailing Address: 105 High Street Warren, OH 44481 | Physical Address: 105 High Street Warren, OH 44481 |
Type: Local school district | Status: Open |
Supervisory Union #: N/A | Grade Span: (grades PK – 12) PK KG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 |
What rank is Warren High School in California?
Earl Warren High School is ranked #4,526 in the National Rankings….Ranking Factors.
Ranking Factors | National | State |
College Readiness Index Rank | #5,393 | #857 |
College Curriculum Breadth Index Rank | #4,118 (tie) | #593 (tie) |
State Assessment Proficiency Rank | #7,941 (tie) | #729 |
State Assessment Performance Rank | #5,963 (tie) | #566 |
How many students go to Warren High School in Downey?
Do Warren City Schools have school tomorrow?
Is Warren Ohio a good area?
Warren is not a terrible place to live. The cost of living is great and there are amenities and assistance. Also, Warren is a great place to start school and focus on yourself with minimal distractions. The downside to this town is that there’s not a lot of activities for children/young adults.