Does UC Davis offer study abroad program?

If you want an experience that will change your life, get engaged with another culture or community — either on campus or abroad. It’s an education like no other. And at UC Davis, we’ve got the country, program and experience that will suit your needs: Study abroad.

How much is study abroad UC Davis?

Program Fees

UC Student Non-UC Student
Course Fee UC: $279/unit x 8.0 units; Non-UC: $349/unit x 8.0 units $2232 $2792
Accommodations and Services Abroad Fee $3591 $3591
Summer Campus Fee $360.14 $360.14
Total Fees Charged to Students See “Fee Notes” section below for more information. Paid directly to UC Davis $7345.14 $7905.14

Does Sac State have study abroad?

Sac State students have the opportunity to study at a variety of locations in more than 20 countries around the world. Note that not all areas of study are offered at every location.

Does UCSD have a study abroad program?

UC San Diego offers several ways for students to study abroad: Education Abroad Program (EAP), Opportunities Abroad Program (OAP), and the Global Seminars. Students may study abroad while earning academic credit. Be sure to visit the UC San Diego Study Abroad Office for more information!

Does Sonoma State have a study abroad program?

The Institute of International Education (IIE), a leading nonprofit educational and cultural exchange group, ranked Sonoma State’s Study Abroad program fifth among master’s degree-level colleges and universities for the number of students who study abroad for at least one year.

What colleges in California offer study abroad programs?

Use the links below to explore UC campus-specific study abroad/away programs:

  • UC Berkeley Summer Abroad and Global Internships.
  • UC Davis Summer Abroad.
  • UC Los Angeles Summer Travel Study.
  • UC Riverside Summer Study Abroad.
  • UC San Diego Global Seminars.

Does SDSU have a study abroad program?

SDSU offers over 350 education abroad programs in more than 50 countries. Each year, students from numerous academic majors and minors study abroad to gain valuable international experience and work towards graduation.

Where can you study abroad at Sonoma State?

Top choices for Sonoma state students are the United Kingdom, Italy, France, Australia and Germany. In addition, since the 2013-14 academic year, SSU has had 101 students participate in National Student Exchange to study in the United States and its territories (Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands).

Does CSU have study abroad programs?

CSU IP is the system-wide study abroad program for California State University students. Operating from within the CSU Chancellor’s Office and serving the 23 CSU campuses, CSU IP offers a wide variety of yearlong study abroad programs for undergraduate and, in some cases, for graduate students.