Does the ionic Breeze really work?
Does the ionic Breeze really work?
Consumer Reports found that ionizing air purifiers like the Ionic Breeze created “almost no measurable reduction in airborne particles” [source]. Sharper Image sued Consumer Reports. The magazine later conducted further tests in response to Sharper Image’s complaints and still found the Ionic Breeze to be ineffective.
Why was the ionic Breeze taken off the market?
A federal court dismissed the suit. CR’s October 2005 issue — which gives the Ionic Breeze “poor” grades for its ability to clean dust and smoke particles from the air — went to press before the release of the newest Ionic Breeze model, which includes OzoneGuard, a feature that partially clears ozone from the air.
Is ionic Breeze Quadra safe?
Most ionic air purifiers (ionizers) are completely safe and not bad for your health. They emit negative ions into the air as a way to clean it which is harmless to you. They’re often confused with ozone generators which emit high levels of ozone that can be bad for health.
Do ionic air purifiers create ozone?
Ionizing air purifiers, because of their electric charge, do create ozone. Consumer Reports has warned that they may give off potentially harmful ozone levels. “There are plenty of ionic air purifiers; only a small fraction make ozone,” Nizkorodov says.
Is breathing ionized air safe?
Inhalation or exposure to negative ions is fairly safe for humans, as negative ions are already naturally occurring in our environments from sources such as sunshine, lighting, and waterfalls. However, it is the production of ozone from these ionic air cleaners that pose a risk to human health.
Does ionic Breeze Quadra emit ozone?
Included in the study were several ionic air purifiers made by The SharperImage, including the popular Ionic Breeze Quadra. These machines producedetectable levels of ozone. But they did not emit dangerous levels of ozone,except when a Quadra model intended for a large room was tested in a tinybathroom.
What is the disadvantage of an ionizing air purifier?
Disadvantages of an Air Ionizer Purifier Since people often have particles of various sizes polluting their indoor air, this can present a problem. In addition, they produce small amounts of ozone, which is actually a lung irritant and also detrimental to the environment.