Does Tess survive The Last of Us?

Tess is a supporting character from The Last of Us, being a hardened survivor and Joel’s smuggling partner on surviving the apocalypse.

Was Tess supposed to be a villain?

Tess was intended to be the main antagonist of the 2013 video game The Last of Us. She would have been a hardened survivor living and working as a smuggler alongside Joel in a post-apocalyptic America until her brothers dies in one of their operations, leading Tess to blame Joel for his death and seek Joel to kill him.

Who was Joel’s wife last of us?

Joel was created by Neil Druckmann, the creative director and writer of The Last of Us. The character’s casting was extensive, as his relationship with Ellie was imperative to the game; it was the central focus of the first game’s development, with all other elements developed around it.

What happened to Joel’s daughter in The Last of Us?

Originally from Texas, Joel was a single father in his late 20s when the initial Cordyceps outbreak occurred. Fleeing with his brother Tommy and his twelve-year-old daughter Sarah, they got involved in a firefight with a soldier, and Sarah was mortally wounded and died in his arms, leaving him traumatized.

Is Tess Joel’s girlfriend?

Joel. Joel was Tess’ partner in crime, confidante, and closest friend. It was never confirmed that Joel and Tess were romantically involved or if they ever took their relationship to further levels of intimacy beyond their partnership, however some sense of closeness beyond friendship is certainly hinted at.

What happens to Tess?

Tess has been executed for murder, and the black flag at the prison indicates to anyone looking up at it that an execution has just taken place.

What happened to Joel’s marriage?

Abby’s father, Jerry Anderson, was a Firefly surgeon whom Joel killed at the end of the first game to save Ellie. Four years later, in her early twenties, she tracks Joel down in Jackson, Wyoming, and beats him to death….What happened to Joel’s wife?

Region of origin United Kingdom

How did Tess and Joel meet?

After the Cordyceps brain infection outbreak, Tess became a smuggler in the Boston quarantine zone, living in Area 4. While there, she met Joel. The two became partners; Joel serving as the muscle while she was the brains in their operations.

What is Joel and Tess relationship?

Who is Abby’s father?

Jerry Anderson
Abby’s father, Jerry Anderson, was a Firefly surgeon whom Joel killed at the end of the first game to save Ellie.

Did Joel sleep with Tess?

Is Ellie an Aries?

12 Aries – Ellie The first Zodiac sign on the astrological chart is Aries, and they fit the personality of Ellie the best. Ellie is bright, talented, courageous, and passionate, and she shows off her strong personality type throughout both games in the series.