Does Telkom throttle uncapped ADSL?

Some ISPs shape their fibre lines (meaning it gets slower if you use a lot and overshoot a Fair Usage Policy) — but Telkom doesn’t apply a FUP. Telkom does, however, throttle lines during peak hours. So, your connection will probably suffer a bit 18:00 – 23:00.

Does Telkom throttle uncapped LTE?

Customers that reach 75% of the FUP will be throttled between 18:00 and 22:00. Customers that reach 100% of the FUP will be throttled between 7:00 and 24:00. Once FUP level 3 is reached, a customers’ rollover date will be changed. A rollover date is the monthly start date of your Telkom Internet uncapped account.

What is soft limit uncapped WIFI?

Uncapped means there is no limit placed on the total volume of traffic uploaded or downloaded, however the AUP may place additional restrictions on usage behaviour beyond illegal or unlawful usage. Customers not adhering to the AUP may have their services limited or soft capped.

What is FUP throttling?

Internet service providers impose a fair usage policy (FUP) on most uncapped accounts, typically throttling their maximum line speed if a certain amount of data is used in a month.

What is Telkom FUP threshold?

Telkom’s Fixed LTE Uncapped Data Packages on the Telkom network give you Uncapped data with the following FUP (Fair Usage Policy) thresholds applied: 10Mbps: 0GB → 150GB. 4Mbps: 150GB → 200GB. 2Mbps: 200GB+ (to month-end)

Why is Telkom ADSL so slow?

You could be experiencing slow speeds due to your LTE data usage. Telkom reserves the right to apply Fair Usage Policies on the Uncapped LTE account if a customer’s behaviour is deemed to be affecting the user experience of other customers on the Telkom network.

What is throttling shaping?

Throttling is employed across an entire network, but shaping fibre internet is when an internet service provider reduces the available bandwidth to a single customer. Shaping occurs when that customer exceeds the monthly available limit (whether they knew about it or not) of data usage.

What does throttled mean internet?

Throttling is when your ISP intentionally limits your connection’s bandwidth. Providers do this for several reasons, and it usually manifests as a sloth-like connection.

How does Telkom uncapped work?

Telkom has introduced an uncapped fibre internet package that lets customers pay for their connection on a prepaid basis. With the package, customers can buy vouchers for a prepaid 25Mbps uncapped internet service online. It does not include a fixed-term contract or credit check.

Is uncapped the same as unlimited?

Unlimited generally means you can use all the data you wish… however there is generally a clause to get out of this if it is abused. Uncapped generally mean there are no limits but you could see a reduced speed once a threshold is reached.