Does SSSD use SMB?

1. How SSSD Works with SMB. The SMB file-sharing protocol is widely used on Windows machines. In Red Hat Enterprise Linux environments with a trust between Identity Management and Active Directory, SSSD enables seamless use of SMB as if it was a standard Linux file system.

How do I authenticate Samba with Active Directory?

How do I authenticate against Active Directory Using SAMBA/…

  1. Configure smb.conf.
  2. Configure krb5.conf.
  3. Configure Authentication Method.
  4. Test The Connectivity to Windows Active Directory Server.
  5. Verify Authentication.
  6. Configuring Userportal Authentication Method.

What is Realmd SSSD?

Realmd provides a simple way to discover and join identity domains. It configures Linux system services such as sssd or winbind to do the actual network authentication and user account lookups. With the release of CentOS/RHEL 7, realmd is fully supported and can be used to join IdM, AD, or Kerberos realms.

Why does Sssd need samba?

Samba is (primarily) a service to provide windows filesharing. SSSD provides a unified authentication platform.

Is SMB required for Active Directory?

At least there SMB (used by shares and share access by clients) is indispensable. In a Active Directory environment at least domain controllers definitely need administrative shares …

Does Samba use Active Directory?

Starting from version 4.0, Samba is able to run as an Active Directory (AD) domain controller (DC). If you are installing Samba in a production environment, it is recommended to run two or more DCs for failover reasons.

Does Realmd use Kerberos?

Realmd is typically used (whether at install time or afterwards) by a D-Bus client to discover the KDC for a Kerberos domain and to join the machine to that domain using membership software.

How do I authenticate a Linux server with Active Directory?

Active Directory object management

  1. Open the Active Directory Users and Groups management tool.
  2. Modify a user object to function as a POSIX user.
  3. Add the user as a Unix member of the group.
  4. This user should now be able to authenticate onto the Linux machine via any desired mechanism, including an SSH session.