Does SQLite have functions?

SQLite has many built-in functions to perform processing on string or numeric data. Following is the list of few useful SQLite built-in functions and all are case in-sensitive which means you can use these functions either in lower-case form or in upper-case or in mixed form.

Can I create function in SQLite?

We can create a user-defined function or stored procedure in a database server like MySQL, MSSQL, PostgreSQL but SQLite does not have a function/stored procedure language. So CREATE FUNCTION or CREATE PROCEDURE does not work in SQLite.

How do I match a string in SQLite?

SQLite LIKE operator

  1. A percent symbol (“%”) in the LIKE pattern matches any sequence of zero or more characters in the string.
  2. An underscore (“_”) in the LIKE pattern matches any single character in the string.
  3. Any other character matches itself or its lower/upper case equivalent (i.e. case-insensitive matching).

What is the functionality of SQLite aggregate functions?

Aggregate functions operate on a set of rows and return a single result. Aggregate functions are often used in conjunction with GROUP BY and HAVING clauses in the SELECT statement. SQLite provides the following aggregate functions: AVG() – returns the average value of a group.

How do you do powers in SQLite?

SQLite doesn’t provide a power function or operator. You’ll have to implement it yourself via sqlite3_create_function… . Show activity on this post. Actually sqlite does have pow/power as a built-in mathematical function, but you need to enable it with DSQLITE_ENABLE_MATH_FUNCTIONS .

What are the string functions?

String functions are used in computer programming languages to manipulate a string or query information about a string (some do both). Most programming languages that have a string datatype will have some string functions although there may be other low-level ways within each language to handle strings directly.

How do you write a string function in SQL?

What are SQL String Functions?

  1. Select char_length(col_name) as length_name from tableName;
  2. SELECT CHAR_LENGTH(name) as length_name from dataflair;
  3. Select ASCII(col_name) as ascii_name from tableName;
  4. SELECT ASCII(name) as ascii_name from dataflair;
  5. Select character_length(col_name) as length_name from tableName;

Does SQLite support user defined functions?

1. Executive Summary. Applications that use SQLite can define custom SQL functions that call back into application code to compute their results.

What are SQLite extensions?

An SQLite extension is a shared library or DLL. To load it, you need to supply SQLite with the name of the file containing the shared library or DLL and an entry point to initialize the extension. In C code, this information is supplied using the sqlite3_load_extension() API.

What is wildcard in SQLite?

SQLite provides two wildcards for constructing patterns. They are percent sign % and underscore _ : The percent sign % wildcard matches any sequence of zero or more characters. The underscore _ wildcard matches any single character.

How do I comment in SQLite?

In SQLite, a comment that starts with /* symbol and ends with */ and can be anywhere in your SQL statement. This method of commenting can span several lines within your SQL.