Does SFAR 73 endorsement expire?
Does SFAR 73 endorsement expire?
SFAR 73 Awareness Training endorsement does not require an expiration date, but it is good practice (and Robinson recommends it) to go over the Awareness Training again prior to flying Solo and getting an SFAR 73 PIC endorsement.
What SFAR 73?
SFAR 73 states that for a flight instructor to instruct in an R22 /R44 he/she must accumulate 50 hours in the R22/R44 and 200 hours in helicopters. Also, the CFI must obtain an endorsement from a designated pilot examiner (DPE).
What is SFAR in aviation?
SFARs. A Special Federal Aviation Regulation (SFAR) pertaining to airspace is typically a temporary rule to address a temporary situation. It is generally not used to replace or enforce regulations that are to remain in effect for many years.
What is mast bumping?
Mast bumping is contact between an inner part of a main rotor blade or a rotor hub and the main rotor drive shaft (or ‘mast’). Serious mast bumping in flight usually results in the helicopter breaking up in flight, which is fatal for those on board.
What is a low G pushover?
LOW-G PUSHOVERS – EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. Pushing the cyclic forward following a pull-up or rapid climb, or even from level flight, produces a low-G (weightless) flight condition.
Can helicopters fly in the Grand Canyon?
Helicopter tours are available to the Grand Canyon’s South, West, and North Rims, as well as over the Las Vegas Strip. You can fly to the Grand Canyon, along the Rim, or deep into the Canyon where you’ll land on the Canyon floor 4,000 feet below the Rim.
Can a private pilot fly the Grand Canyon?
Sightseeing tour flights and private aircraft often make the airspace over the Canyon very busy. To reduce collision risk and control noise pollution, the FAA designates the Canyon a Special Flight Rules Area (SFRA). Pilots must follow the rules and carefully plan their routes over the National Park.
How do you recover from low-G?
Recover from a low-G situation by first gently applying aft cyclic to restore normal G before attempting to correct any roll. If turbulence is expected or encountered, reduce power and use a slower than normal cruise speed.