Does Safi reduce weight?

Safi induces weight loss through diuresis. One dose in the morning and one at bed time to to be taken with water. Record your weight at the start of Safi treatment and also the weekly loss of weight for a month. If the weight drops to normal in one month, reduces the dosage to one dose to be taken at night.

Can I gain weight by taking Safi?

Hello, Safi is a blood purifier, it contains bit bitter herbs; this will not be suitable to gain weight.

What is the right time to drink Safi?

The best time to drink Safi is in the morning after your breakfast and in the evening after your meal. Take it with luke warm water for best results.

What happens when you drink Safi?

Safi helps keep your stomach clear and well functioning. The tonic helps clear constipation and indigestion. Purification of blood with the use of Hamdard Safi leads to glowing skin and better skin health. Problems like acne, pimples or dull skin reduce with the consumption of this tonic.

Can I take Safi everyday?

Varma tells us Safi can be consumed all 365 days of the year. There is no perfect time for it, but the consumption increases during peak summer months and monsoons.

Does Safi delay periods?

Safi is ok but it will not bring your period. For that you have to take medicine . In mean time get done ultrasonography and TSH level also. After getting period regulations of period is compulsory through ocp.

What are benefits of Safi?

Key Benefits

  • Treats acne vulgaris, boils, skin, rashes, blemishes, urticaria etc.
  • Improves complexion and helps you to stay slim and smart.
  • Cures constipation and corrects indigestion.

What are the benefits of Safi?

How long can we use Safi?

Does Safi cause pimples at first?

Yes, you have correctly heard about Safi reaction. It cleans the pimples by purifying the blood. This purification process creates pimples initially but then clear them all.