Does purple fountain grass come back every year?

But will Purple Fountain Grass return every year? Purple Fountain Grass is a tender perennial plant that will die back during the winter but can return and grow back during the spring.

How do you care for rubrum purple fountain grass?

Take Care of Purple Fountain Grass Caring for purple fountain grass is also easy. The plant is drought tolerant so watering sufficiently every week or two should be adequate. Although not required, you can give it an annual feeding with a slow-release, balanced fertilizer in spring to help stimulate new growth.

Is rubrum the same as purple fountain grass?

Requiring very little care and providing striking color as well as graceful movement in the garden or patio, Pennisetum setaceum ‘Rubrum’ (Purple Fountain Grass) has become a real favorite among gardeners.

Does purple fountain grass need full sun?

Graceful GrassesĀ® Purple Fountain Grass Pennisetum setaceum ‘Rubrum’ The optimum amount of sun or shade each plant needs to thrive: Full Sun (6+ hours), Part Sun (4-6 hours), Full Shade (up to 4 hours).

Will fountain grass survive winter?

You can bring fountain grass plants inside and save them in the basement, garage, or other semi-cool area. As long as there are no freezing temperatures and moderate light, the plant will survive winter.

How do you take care of purple fountain grass in the winter?

Keep the plants in a cool, not freezing, dark location with slightly moist soil. The goal is to keep the fountain grass dormant, not growing and not shriveling up, throughout the winter. In mid March, move the plants to a warm sunny location to get them started growing.

Should fountain grass be cut back in winter?

Fountain grass is a warm season grass that is dormant during the winter and begins growth after the coolest weather is past. You can trim the top any time from fall until growth resumes in the spring.

Does red fountain grass spread?

Fountain grass grows up to 5′ in large clumps of long, narrow leaves with foxtail-like plumes in the summer. Pennisetum setaceum is originally from Africa and the Middle East. It has been introduced to many areas including Arizona, California, Hawaii, Fiji, South Africa, and Australia.

Is red fountain grass an annual or perennial?

Crimson fountain grass is a warm weather plant, suitable for growing as a perennial in USDA plant hardiness zones 9 and 10. However, gardeners in cooler climates can grow this fast growing beauty as an annual.

Is red fountain grass a perennial or an annual?

Is Pennisetum a perennial?

Perennial fountain grass (Pennisetum alopecuroides) is a perennial grass. It is hardy in much of Iowa. Annual fountain grass (Pennisetum setaceum) is a widely grown annual grass. The most popular annual cultivars are those with reddish purple foliage, such as ‘Rubrum.