Does Proteus vulgaris grow on MacConkey Agar?

For pus & urine samples, blood agar and MacConkey agar are commonly used. Proteus grow on the Blood agar plate in successive waves to form a thin filmy layer of concentric circles ( swarming). Proteus do not swarm in the MacConkey agar medium and form smooth, pale or colourless (NLF) colonies.

What is the best antibiotic to treat Proteus vulgaris?

Acute, uncomplicated pyelonephritis can be treated on an outpatient basis with fluoroquinolones, although a regimen of 7 to 14 days is recommended. An alternative to this treatment is a one-time dose of ceftriaxone or gentamycin followed by either TMP/SMZ, an oral fluoroquinolone, or cephalosporin for 7 to 14 days.

What is used to treat Proteus vulgaris?

For hospitalized patients, therapy consists of parenteral (or oral once the oral route is available) ceftriaxone, quinolone, gentamicin (plus ampicillin), or aztreonam until defervescence. Then, an oral quinolone, cephalosporin, or TMP/SMZ for 14 days may be added to complete treatment.

Is Proteus vulgaris non-lactose fermenter?

It is a non-lactose fermenter, indole-negative, oxidase-negative but catalase- and nitrate-positive.

Is Proteus vulgaris a lactose fermenter?

According to laboratory fermentation tests, P. vulgaris ferments glucose and amygdalin, but does not ferment mannitol or lactose. P. vulgaris also tests positive for the methyl red (mixed acid fermentation) test and is also an extremely motile organism.

Does Proteus vulgaris ferment lactose?

Does amoxicillin treat Proteus mirabilis?

Amoxicillin was used in the treatment of 36 infections in 35 patients with adequate gmnulocyte counts. The antibiotic was effective against 61 % of all infections, against 90% of infections caused by gram-positive organisms, and against 77% of infections caused by Escherichia coli, and Proteus mirabilis.

What is the difference between Proteus mirabilis and Proteus vulgaris?

Proteus mirabilis (indole negative) is the most frequent Proteus species associated with urinary tract infections, but indole-positive Proteus species like Pr. vulgaris, which are more often resistant to ampicillin, may also cause urinary tract infections. These species are often associated with an alkaline urine.

How is Proteus mirabilis different from Proteus vulgaris?

Specific tests include positive urease (which is the fundamental test to differentiate Proteus from Salmonella) and phenylalanine deaminase tests. On the species level, indole is considered reliable, as it is positive for P. vulgaris, but negative for P. mirabilis.

How does Proteus look on MacConkey agar?

In MacConkey Agar medium, the colonies of Proteus Vulgaris are pale or colorless due to lack of lactose fermentation which is of great importance in differentiating Pr. vulgaris from other Bacteria present in the specimen, especially from Gram-positive bacteria (S.

Is Proteus vulgaris resistant to antibiotics?

P vulgaris and P penneri are resistant to ampicillin and first-generation cephalosporins. Activation of an inducible chromosomal beta-lactamase (not found in P mirabilis) occurs in up to 30% of these strains.