Does Piper guineense contain piperine?
Does Piper guineense contain piperine?
guineense fruit contains the following linalool, asaricin, b-caryophyllene, piperine, a-pinene, myrcene, 1,8-cineole, b-Ocimene, b-elemen, cedrene, elemol, elemicin, b-caryophyllene oxide, benzoic acid, sesquiterpene b-caryophyllene, bicyclogermacrene, humulene, monoterpenes b-pinene (Juliani et al., 2013; Owolabi et …
What is the health benefits of Piper guineense?
Because of its astringent properties, the piper guineense is highly beneficial for treating intestinal disorders such as diarrhea and dysentery, healing of wounds and inflammation of mucous membrane.
What is the meaning of Piper guineense?
Piper guineense (PG) or African black pepper, a climbing perennial plant of the family Piperaceae, is used as spice, food preservative, insecticide, herbal medicine, and as fragrance in the cosmetic industry. 6. PG is used for the treatment of cough, bronchitis, intestinal diseases, and rheumatism.
Is Piper guineense same as black pepper?
Piper guineense is also known as West African black pepper – just one of a number of other synonyms. It is a spice native to Africa, thriving mainly in the wild. Its culinary and other uses are well documented, but all the initial reports on its use in sickle cell disorder emanated from Nigeria during the late 1990s.
What is Piper guineense in Yoruba?
Piper guineense known as iyere in Yoruba and uziza in Igbo is in the family Piperaceae. The fruit of this plant is an invaluable spice known as Ashanti pepper, Benin pepper West African pepper or even black pepper.
What is Nigerian name for black pepper?
It is called Ako in Edo, Nkarika in Ibibio, Mmimi in Igbo, and Ata igbere in Yoruba. Piper guineense is commonly called West African Black Pepper or Ashanti pepper (Uziza in Igbo and Ata iyere in Yoruba).
What does black pepper and honey do?
This spice is loaded with many essential nutrients like vitamin C, flavonoids, antioxidants and antibacterial properties. When used in combination with honey, black pepper loosens up the phlegm and helps you to breath. Read about more health benefits of black pepper.
Are there any health benefits from black pepper?
Black pepper and its active compound piperine may have potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Laboratory studies suggest that black pepper may improve cholesterol levels, blood sugar control, and brain and gut health.
What is the health benefits of alligator pepper?
Alligator pepper is a worm expellant, a diuretic; it heals wounds and treats malaria. Traditionally, it is used to treat fibroids, gastrointestinal disorders and it is good for dermatological care. It also has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.
What is Eru seed called in English?
Eru has also been referred to as a form of ‘wild spinach’ in English.
Is black pepper good for liver?
While salt can cause water retention and other undesired effects when added to food, pepper is a diuretic. It encourages urination and sweating, which help rid the body of harmful toxins. As a result, evidence shows that black pepper may help keep the liver healthy.