Does OSHA require scaffold certification?

Employers are required by OSHA standards to have a qualified person provide training to each employee who performs work while on a scaffold. The training must enable employees to recognize the hazards associated with the type of scaffold being used and to understand the procedures to control or minimize those hazards.

What is a supported scaffold?

Scaffolding ยป Supported Scaffolds Supported scaffolds consist of one or more platforms supported by outrigger beams, brackets, poles, legs, uprights, posts, frames, or similar rigid support.

What is scaffold User training?

The Scaffold User Guidelines for Construction course is an online safety course designed to teach the proper use of a scaffold. Because scaffolds are important when working above ground on a construction job site, as well as ladders, it is imperative that they are set up and used correctly.

Are there training requirements for employees who work on scaffolds?

All employees who work on a scaffold must be trained by a person qualified to gain adequate knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) to recognize and control and minimize the hazards associated with the type of scaffold used.

Do you need training to use scaffolding?

As a minimum requirement, every scaffold gang should contain a competent scaffolder who has received training for the type and complexity of the scaffold to be erected, altered or dismantled. Trainee scaffolders must always work under the supervision of a trained and competent scaffolder.

What is OSHA Standard for scaffold?

All suspension scaffolds must be tied or otherwise secured to prevent them from swaying, as determined by a competent person. [29 CFR 1926.451(d)(18)] Guardrails, a personal fall-arrest system, or both must protect each employee more than 10 feet (3.1 m) above a lower level from falling.

What is a scaffold user?

A scaffold user is defined as any employee who utilizes an elevated temporary work platform (scaffold) to perform work.

What are 3 requirements for being on a scaffold?

12 OSHA Scaffolding Safety Requirements

  • Weight Capacity. How much weight must a scaffold be capable of supporting?
  • Stability. Unsteady objects should never be used to support planks or scaffolds.
  • Supervised Setup.
  • Extra Precaution.
  • Maintenance.
  • Materials.
  • Scaffolding Inspection.
  • Rigging Inspection.

What qualifications do I need to put up scaffolding?

While there are no formal qualifications needed to become a scaffolder, there are several routes you could take to help you pursue this career. You could complete a college course, an apprenticeship or apply directly to an employer for work.