Does Nos have an apostrophe?

The usual plural of no is noes. Most style guides permit apostrophes for plurals in a few exceptional cases, usually to avoid ambiguity or improve legibility. The only generally-accepted exception is for lowercase letters – mind your p’s and q’s – and many writers prefer to avoid the apostrophe even there.

What’s the plural for yes and no?

The word “yes” can be pluralized “yeses” or “yesses,” and “no” can be pluralized as “nos” and “noes.” These are not US or UK conventions. They are simply variant spellings. Also, despite what some might tell you, “yes’s” and “no’s” are also acceptable versions.

Is Nos plural for no?

nos. plural of No. : a short form of “numbers”: The same point applies to nos. 10, 13, and 17.

How do you spell the plural of no?

The plural of no is where things get complicated. According to the Merriam Webster, there are two acceptable plural forms of the word no: nos and noes.

Is there such a word as yeses?

The plural of yes is yeses. Three yeses later, and the idea is becoming a reality. Note: Sometimes there is more than one correct way to spell a word.

How do you write yeses?

Oxford gives yeses and yesses as accepted spellings of the plural of yes, whereas searching Cambridge Dictionaries Online for yesses does not return any results. In the absence of agreement amongst widely accepted authorities, it’s a good idea to turn to usage.

Can we say yeses?

Merriam-Webster says you can also spell yeses as yesses and noes as nos. Example: Yesses are often better than nos. You may see them spelled as no’s and yes’s. This is incorrect.

What is the meaning of NOS?

nos. us. plural of No. : a short form of “numbers”: The same point applies to nos.

Can an apostrophe be used to form a plural?

Note: We use an apostrophe to make A, I, M, and U plural because without the apostrophe it would form a different word (A’s–As, I’s–Is, M’s–Ms, and U’s–Us). Use an apostrophe and an –s to form the plural of a word used to refer to the word itself.

Is Ye singular or plural?


2nd person singular informal thou
singular formal ye, you
3rd person singular he/she/it

What does yeses stand for?

It is so; as you say or ask. Used to express affirmation, agreement, positive confirmation, or consent. n. pl. yes·es also yes·ses.

What is the plural form of curio?

curio. noun. cu·​rio | \ ˈkyu̇r-ē-ˌō \ plural curios.