Does my landlord have to provide a thermostat?

Simply put, tenants are entitled to central heating or other equipment for space heating (radiators, etc) in every occupied room of a property, and landlords are obligated to provide this.

Can my landlord lock my thermostat in a box?

David Smith, policy director for the Residential Landlords Association, says there are no rules around boxing off thermostats.

What is the legal temperature for tenants UK?

The minimum acceptable standards are to be able to maintain at least 18°C in sleeping rooms and 21°C in living rooms when the temperature outside is minus 1°C. While the UK climate is considered temperate by global standards, British winters can still be fatally cold and cause a range of health risks and illnesses.

Is my landlord allowed to control my heating UK?

According to the Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS), which governs housing conditions, heating can be centrally controlled by the landlord in a house in multiple occupation.

Do you need a thermostat with a combi boiler?

If it is a ‘combi’ boiler and provides instantaneous hot water then no additional controls are needed. If you have a separate hot water cylinder then there should be a thermostat on the cylinder to turn the boiler off when the water is hot enough.

How long does a landlord have to fix heating UK?

within 24 hours
These must be fixed within 24 hours. Having no access to hot water or heating is a constitutional hazard.

What happens if I cover my thermostat?

Unfortunately covering your thermostat prevents it from accurately reading the temperature in your living space. That’s because it could cause the thermostat to “think” the area it’s in is warmer or cooler than it actually is.

What heating must a landlord provide?

Heating and the Healthy Homes Standards Under the Healthy Homes Standards, the landlord must provide at least one fixed (not portable) heater that can directly heat the living room to at least 18°C. (This is a minimum standard – having adequate heating in the other rooms as well is even better.)

Does a boiler have to have a thermostat?

Main Boiler Thermostats In a central heating system, the main thermostat is an essential component. Without it you would have to turn your heating on and off multiple times a day to try to keep the temperature in the home reasonably constant.

Do all central heating systems have a thermostat?

Central heating systems, such as boilers and heat pumps, should as a minimum include a programmer (time control), at least one room thermostat and, if you have radiators, thermostatic radiator valves (TRVs). Systems with a hot water cylinder should also include a cylinder thermostat.