Does MI have the Romeo and Juliet law?

Michigan’s Romeo and Juliet law provides protection for a person who has engaged in consensual sexual conduct with a minor if: The minor was at least 13 years old at the time. The age difference between the two parties is less than 5 years.

What are Romeo Juliet laws?

In the United States, many states have adopted close-in-age exemptions. These laws, known as “Romeo and Juliet laws” provide that a person can legally have consensual sex with a minor provided that he or she is not more than a given number of years older, generally four years or less.

Can a 16 year old date a 18 year old Michigan?

In Michigan, a person must be at least 16 years old in order to engage in consensual sex with an adult. The legal age of consent in Michigan is 16 years old.

Can you date someone who is 18 if your 15?

There’s not really anything illegal about the 18 year old ‘dating’ a 15 year old. However, it gets to be a legal problem if ‘dating’ means ‘having sexual relations. ‘ If you are having sex with this 18 year old guy, then he is committing a felony offense that could make him a sex offender.

Can an 18 year old date a 17 year old?

Yes, if you are both 17 or over and there is full and free consent. However, it is a crime for a person to engage in a sexual act with somebody under 18 if they are, or have previously been, in a position of authority over them.

Is 17 a minor in Michigan?

For example, under Michigan law a person is considered an adult for purposes of the criminal law at age 17. So if a 17 year old is accused of a crime, he/she will be tried as an adult in either district or circuit court rather than in family court.

Can a 13 year old date a 17 year old?

5 attorney answers. Yes, it is. As my colleague pointed out, this is technically Second Degree Child Molestation. This carries penalties that can ruin your life including confinement time and a mandatory requirement that you register as a sex offender.

What is it called when your dating a minor?

Statutory rape refers to sexual relations involving someone below the “age of consent.” People who are underage cannot legally consent to having sex, so any form of sexual activity with them violates the law. This is true even in situations where they signal their agreement.

Can you date someone 16 if you are 18?

Anyone under the age of 18 having sex can face criminal charges of statutory rape under California penal code 261.5 PC, as per the Rodriguez Law group Los Angeles criminal Defense Attorney. There’s no problem or any legal thing regarding dating someone under the age of 18.

Is 16 legal in Michigan?

In Michigan, the age of consent is 16, which is slightly younger than other states in the union. However, that does not mean any sexual relationship with a 16-year-old is lawful.

Is a 3 year age gap okay?

In short, research seems to indicate that in many cultures, an age gap of 1 to 3 years is considered ideal — but some researchers suggest even a relationship with an age gap of less than 10 years will bring more satisfaction.