Does Master Yi Q apply on-hit?

Master Yi 12.5 changes Now applies on-hit effects, on-hits from subsequent hits are also reduced.

How does Yi alpha strike work?

Alpha Strike Master Yi Master Yi becomes untargetable and teleports to rapidly strike enemies near his target, dealing 30 / 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 (+0.5 per attack damage) physical damage to all enemies hit after up to 3 hits.

Where does Yi appear after Alpha Strike?

Thanks! For Master Yi, he will appear in the direction the target last moved in (generally in front of their face). If the target dies, or gets too far away, he goes back to where he started from. There are some edge cases like when the target becomes untargetable.

How do you counter Yi Alpha Strike?

With Jax, countering Master Yi is pretty simple. Let Master Yi cast his Alpha Strike on you. When he reemerges, cast your counter strike to render all his basic attacks useless; you can recast this ability to stun him. If ever Master Yi tries to get away from your E stun, you have a Q gap closer and chase him.

What damage does Master Yi do?

Master Yi becomes untargetable and dashes to up to 4 units, dealing 25/60/95/130/165 (+1.0 total Attack Damage) physical damage and 75/100/125/150/175 bonus damage to minions.

What lane should Master Yi play?

What Lane Is Master Yi? Due to the lane phase of this pick, it is commonly played in the Jungle position. This pick has yet to see any meaningful play in other lanes.

Does Master Yi W reduce true damage?

True damage cannot be reduced.

What should I do against Master Yi?

How to counter Master Yi

  1. Ward your lane to counter ganks.
  2. Back when low on health.
  3. Track him in his jungle.
  4. Focus him in team fights.
  5. Invest in Grevious Wounds.
  6. Stack up on CC.

Will Master Yi be nerfed?

The most recent patch went live just a few days ago, and Riot had actually planned on nerfing Master Yi, but his win rate has only shot through the roof after the changes. The latest League of Legends Patch went live on March 2, 2022 and just as it hit the rift, the balance team will already be making changes.