Does Jin speak English Lost?
Does Jin speak English Lost?
Three years later, in 1977, Jin along with Sawyer (under the alias James LaFleur), Juliet, and Miles are all shown to be still there. Jin can now speak fluent English, as is shown in his conversation with Sawyer where he both understands and replies to Sawyer regarding John’s quest to bring the others back.
What was Jins job Lost?
Jin returned to the Island, time traveling to 1974, where he joined the DHARMA Initiative as a security officer for three years. He returned to 2007, where he reunited with Sun. They tried to leave the island on a submarine. It sank, and the two drowned together.
Does Jin make it off the island in Lost?
But those promises didn’t go far enough because fans wanted a Jin-Sun reunion. Nine months later — in viewer time — it was revealed Wednesday that Jin survived the explosion, prompting the “Lost” cult to immediately light up message boards and forums with their joy.
Do Sun and Jin break up?
The two were separated for three years after Sun escaped the island, and after Sun and Jin finally reunited, we never saw her and Sawyer interact directly before she died.
Is Jin the father of Sun’s baby?
Juliet takes Sun to the Staff station, where she uses the medical equipment to determine a date of conception; Sun learns that she conceived on the island, making Jin the father, but leaving Sun with less than two months to live before her second trimester.
Does Sun have a baby in Lost?
On the Island, the couple isolated themselves until Sun revealed that she spoke English, shocking her husband. He shunned her, but they later reconciled. Despite Jin’s infertility, Sun conceived Jin’s baby on the Island, which strengthened their marriage but threatened Sun’s health.
Is it Jin’s baby Lost?
LOST — And the father is… Finally we found out in the previous episode of LOST that the father of Sun’s baby is Jin, NOT the man she had an affair with. After realizing that all the women on the island who are pregnant die, Sun demands Juliet to answer her questions.
What happened to Jin and Sun’s baby?
4 Claiming She Was Infertile To Protect Jin’s Honor The fertility doctor eventually told Sun that it was actually Jin who was infertile. The doctor lied because he worried about what Sun’s father would do if he learned that Jin was infertile. Sun continued to lie and let Jin resent her for it, all to protect his honor.
Does Sun and Jin reunite?
Jin and Sun were reunited after a few days. They spent the night together that night and were very happy until the death of Shannon.
Who got Sun pregnant?
Does Sun ever tell Jin she cheated?
Upon learning of her pregnancy, Sun is forced to tell Jin. She tells Jin that he is infertile, but swears that she has slept with no other; she had an affair with Jae Lee, but Jin never found out.