Does it rain more in Colorado or Texas?

The US average is 205 sunny days. Denver, Colorado gets 16.7 inches of rain, on average, per year. Austin, Texas gets 34.9 inches of rain, on average, per year. The US average is 38.1 inches of rain per year.

How much snow does Corpus Christi get a year?

Climate Averages

Corpus Christi, Texas United States
Rainfall 32.5 in. 38.1 in.
Snowfall 0.1 in. 27.8 in.
Precipitation 73.7 days 106.2 days
Sunny 223 days 205 days

What is Corpus Christi like in the winter?

Daily high temperatures are around 69°F, rarely falling below 52°F or exceeding 82°F. The lowest daily average high temperature is 66°F on January 7. Daily low temperatures are around 53°F, rarely falling below 37°F or exceeding 69°F.

Does Corpus Christi ever get snow?

About 30 percent of winters in Corpus Christi have measurable snow or ice, according to the NWS. The two biggest snow events in Corpus Christi were in 2004 and 2017. Some areas of the city saw 12 inches of snow in 2004. This December has been at or near the warmest December on record for most of South Texas.

Is the Colorado River drying up?

The flow of the Colorado River has dropped 20 percent since the 1900s. Roughly half of that decline is due to climate change, which has fueled a 20-year megadrought across Colorado and the West.

Does the Colorado River flow through Texas?

The Colorado River, measured in length and drainage area, is the largest river wholly in Texas. The river flows across the rolling prairie near San Saba County, enters the more rugged Hill Country and the Llano basin, and passes through a series of canyons before it issues from the Balcones Escarpment at Austin.

Why are houses in Corpus Christi so cheap?

Demand outweighs supply in Corpus Christi’s housing market. And housing that is available is often too expensive for the average family to afford.

Is Corpus Christi a good place for snowbirds?

Corpus Christi The area has a warm, humid subtropical climate with very short, mild winters. Snowbirds will find affordable accommodations in the general area. Just to the east of Corpus Christi are Padre Island and Mustang Island, featuring national parks including the Padre Island National Seashore.

Which state uses the most water from the Colorado River?

Southern California
The Colorado River supplies over 60 percent of the water used annually in Southern California. California is currently using 20 percent more Colorado River water than it is entitled to under the “Law of the River.” The Secretary of the Interior has directed California to come up with a plan to live within its …