Does insulin cause dyslipidemia?

Insulin resistance can also alter systemic lipid metabolism which then leads to the development of dyslipidemia and the well-known lipid triad: (1) high levels of plasma triglycerides, (2) low levels of high-density lipoprotein, and (3) the appearance of small dense low-density lipoproteins.

How does insulin cause hyperlipidemia?

DIABETES AND HYPERLIPIDEMIA VLDL and chylomicrons, which transport endogenous and exogenous triglycerides, are broken down by lipoprotein lipases. In insulin deficiency, the activity of the lipoprotein lipases is decreased,8 and this is one of the most common causes of hyperlipidemia in poorly controlled diabetes.

What is the relationship between diabetes and dyslipidemia?

Diabetic dyslipidemia is characterized by elevated fasting and postprandial triglycerides, low HDL-cholesterol, elevated LDL-cholesterol and the predominance of small dense LDL particles. These lipid changes represent the major link between diabetes and the increased cardiovascular risk of diabetic patients.

Does insulin increase cholesterol production?

Despite insulin has a stimulatory influence on the endogenous cholesterol synthesis from Acetyl-CoA, this hormone tends to decrease the LDL cholesterol concentrations through two additional effects: a diminution in the ApoB VLDL synthesis and an increase in the LDL catabolism.

Does insulin resistance cause high triglycerides?

Insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes (T2DM) have been constantly associated with high triglyceride and low HDL-cholesterol levels. Increased synthesis of VLDL particles in the liver has been proposed to be the main cause of increased concentrations of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins.

Why does sugar increase cholesterol?

When you eat too much sugar, your liver makes more LDL while lowering the amount of HDL in your body. The extra calories from a sugary diet also leads to more of something called triglycerides, a type of blood fat that plays a role in your cholesterol health.

How does high cholesterol affect diabetes?

Cholesterol and diabetes Diabetes damages the lining of your arteries. This means it’s more likely that cholesterol will stick to them, making them narrow or even blocked. If you have diabetes, you will usually have lower levels of HDL (good) cholesterol and higher levels of LDL/non-HDL (bad) cholesterol.