Does hiruma like mamori?

although the manga couldn’t “illustrate” their romantic relationship in full details because the manga’s genre is SPORTS; Hiruma and Mamori eventually ends up together.

Who is the fastest player in Eyeshield 21?

Patrick Spencer

Patrick “Panther” Spencer
Jersey 20
40 Yard Dash 4.5 seconds (initially) 4.1 seconds
Position Runningback
Team Nasa Aliens/Nasa Shuttles San Antonio Armadillos (NFL)

Who is the real Eyeshield 21?

Takeru Yamato

Takeru Yamato
Rōmaji Yamato Takeru
Kanji 大和猛
Alias The Real Eyeshield 21 The Emperor
Gender Male

Who is the mummy guy in Eyeshield 21?

Rui Habashira
Relatives Mamushi “Viper” Habashira (father) Yamori “Gecko” Habashira (mother) Tokage Habashira 葉柱斗影 (older brother)
Affiliation Zokugaku Chameleons
Year 3rd year

Who is hiruma father?

Yoichi Hiruma
Bench press 75 kg
Relatives Yuya Hiruma (father)
Affiliation Deimon Devil Bats Saikyoudai Wizards

What episode does mamori find out about Sena?

Kanto Tournament Arc Mamori learns about Eyeshield’s identity in chapters 154 and 155, when Sena removes his helmet in front of her.

How fast is Riku in Eyeshield 21?

4.5 seconds

Seibu Wild Gunmans
Player Record (s)
Shien Mushanokoji (The Kid) 5.6 seconds
Jo Tetsuma 5.0 seconds
Kaitani Riku 4.5 seconds

How Fast Is Sena in Eyeshield 21?

Number 21: “Eyeshield 21” Sena Kobayakawa, Running Back Sena’s speed is the result of a bullied kid needing to outpace his oppressors to survive, though it’s the exact reason he thrives as a Devil Bat. Sena can run 40 yards in 4.2 seconds, a speed that few real-world NFL athletes are able to achieve.

How old is Sena Kobayakawa?

Sena Kobayakawa
Age 15-16 (series run) 18 (final chapter)
Birthday December 21
Blood type A
Height (5’2″)

Is Sena faster than Riku?

Trivia. However, Riku can run at his top speed for long periods of time, while Sena’s normal speed during a match is 4.5 seconds, making them roughly the same in terms of speed in a real game but later on Sena normal speed became 4.2. According to Investigation file#45, Riku owns a parrot.

Does deimon beat Seibu?

Deimon Devil Bats The Devil Bats win a close match with Kyoshin 18-17 (24-23 in the anime), but then lose in a shoot-out with the Seibu Wild Gunmen in the semi-finals 42-44 (35-32 in the anime).

Does Sena reveal his identity?

Despite Hiruma’s desire to keep the identity of Eyeshield 21 a secret, Sena reveals his identity to his teammates when they are training in the United States. He later reveals his identity to Mamori and everyone against Bando Spiders, when Hayato Akaba claims to be Eyeshield 21.