Does Egypt have investigative journalism?

According to the data in Table 2, Egyptian investigative journalists achieved the highest number of investigative reports tackling corruption in Egypt with 31% of total ratio of investigative reports followed by Yemeni journalists with 17.9%.

Does Egypt allow freedom of speech?

Freedom of speech. The Press Law, Publications Law, and the penal code of Egypt regulate and govern the press. According to these, criticism of the president can be punished by fines or imprisonment.

Does Egypt have censorship?

As of June 2017, the government in Egypt has blocked more than 60 websites, 48 of which are online news websites according to the Association for Freedom of Thought and Expression.

What is the average age in Egypt?

The median age in Egypt is 24.6 years….Egypt Population (LIVE)

Date Yearly Growth Rate (%)
2017 2.11
2018 2.05
2019 2
2020 1.94

Why is investigative journalism important?

Without investigative journalism it is virtually impossible to access truth behind most of the heinous acts against humanity and society at large. Carrying out credible investigation into the truth behind corruption, unethical deeds and crime is an important aspect of investigative journalism.

What role does investigative journalism play in the society?

Investigative journalism is about holding powerful people, politicians, criminals, corporations, and governments accountable for their actions. By exposing corruption and malpractice, investigative journalism is a way of ensuring that nobody is above the law.

What is Egypt jail like?

Prisoners are kept in dark, poorly ventilated cells with little or no fresh air and unsanitary conditions with little access to water and toilets and receive unhealthy food, it said. Inadequate healthcare makes prisoners suffer unnecessarily and in some cases may have resulted in death, Amnesty alleged.

Is Opera blocked in Egypt?

So the Egyptian Authorities just decided to block Opera main website and Opera builtin VPN is stopped working on both Desktop and mobile App, which is really sucks.

Why did Egypt shut down the Internet?

On 27 January, various reports claimed that access to the Internet in the entire country had been shut down. The authorities responsible achieved this by shutting down the country’s official Domain Name System, in an attempt to stop mobilization for anti-government protests.