Does DeLonghi use ESE pods?

All modern Delonghi pump coffee makers (ECP series, ECO ans EC series) and all Philips/Gaggia/Saeco models (Saeco Poemia HD 8323, HD8325, HD8327, Gaggia Baby and others) are compatible with E.S.E. pods.

Are ESE pods the same as Nespresso?

No. Nespresso make coffee pods that only fit in Nespresso machines so ESE pods will not work in any of these machines.

What pods can I use in DeLonghi?

All Nespresso®* Originalline/Original compatible pods are compatible with all DeLonghi / Breville Nespresso®* machines, including Le Cube, all Essenza models, all Citiz models, all Pixie models, all Lattissima models, all U models, Maestria and Inissia coffee machines (shown in order below).

Can all espresso machines use ESE pods?

The E.S.E. (Easy Serving Espresso) coffee pods are suitable not only for illy machines, but also for all other coffee and espresso pod machines.

What brands are ESE pods?

Our Top 7 ESE Pods

  • PureGusto ESE Coffee Pods.
  • Barista Italiano 100 ESE Coffee Paper Pods.
  • Illy Classico Medium Espresso Coffee Paper Pods.
  • Black Donkey Coffee Roasters.
  • Lavazza (ESE Pods) Gran Espresso.
  • Costa NESCAFE Dolce Gusto Compatible Espresso Coffee Pods.
  • CRU Kafe Organic Discovery Pack Coffee Capsules.

What do ESE pods look like?

ESE (Easy Serve Espresso) pods look rather like small round teabags, but they are filled with coffee and are fairly tightly packed. These are usually sealed in packets to maintain their freshness and sold in boxes. Each box will carry the ‘ESE’ logo.

What brands are E.S.E. pods?

Which pods are E.S.E. pods?

ESE PODs 44mm pods. ESE system is a Patent Free and environmentally friendly coffee system. PODs are made of Paper and are self packed for freshness. 44mm ESE pods can be used with traditional Espresso Machines that use Ground Coffee, with ESE, Handpresso, Mokona and Tazzona machines.

Can you buy E.S.E. pods at supermarket?

ESE (Easy Serve Espresso) pods can be purchased from larger supermarkets, specialist coffee shops, and at various online retailers. Most coffee retailers offer a huge selection of brands at very competitive prices.

Which E.S.E. pod is best?

Are all ESE coffee pods the same size?

Each E.S.E. pod contains seven grams of coffee compressed into filter pod with a 44mm diameter. In the past, many USA home single-serve brewers used 55mm pods and could not use E.S.E. pods.