Does coal tar sealer cause cancer?

Some of the PAHs present in coal tar are potent carcinogens (e.g., BaP). This leads to an elevated cancer risk, estimated by USGS and Baylor Univ to be 40 fold greater than the background from soil and house dust not affected by the breakdown of coal tar sealant.

Does driveway sealer cause cancer?

Several PAHs are known carcinogens. Lifetime exposure to pavement treated with coal tar sealant raises cancer risk an estimated 38 times compared with the risk for those living near unsealed pavement.

Does asphalt sealer cause cancer?

The study found that 50 percent of the cancer risk from PAHs in sealcoated asphalt is acquired within the first six years of life. About 80 percent of a person’s risk adds up before age 18.

Is driveway sealer toxic?

Research by the U.S. Geological Survey and others shows that coal tar-based asphalt sealants applied to driveways, parking lots or playgrounds can find its way inside schools and homes, potentially exposing children and adults to toxic carcinogens via skin contact, inhalation or ingestion.

Is coal tar sealer toxic?

Coal Tar Sealants. Coal tar sealant is a thick, black goop applied to driveways, asphalt parking lots and playgrounds, primarily in the eastern United States. The sealcoat contains high levels of toxic chemicals that can cause cancer and environmental harm.

Is coal tar driveway sealer safe?

Coal tar sealer is safe for use in both residential and commercial projects. It works well on parking lots, driveways and access roads. No adverse health effects are likely to be noted.

Is road tar a carcinogen?

Tar bitumens are classifiable as the pyrolysis products of organic materials and are applied hot. Depending on the temperature used there are emissions of various intensities of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), some of which are carcinogenic.

Where is coal tar sealant banned?

They’ve passed bans in recent years in dozens of cities and counties in Minnesota, Washington, D.C., Illinois, Texas, New York, Maryland and Washington state.

Is coal a carcinogen?

Both coal tar and coal-tar pitch contain many chemical compounds, including carcinogens such as benzene.