Does Aternos ban for XRay?

XRay mods don’t abuse our system, so from our side we don’t care. It’s up to the server creator if he wants people with such mods playing on his server.

Can you AFK pool in Aternos?

No. You can’t afk on your server.

How do I fix failed to connect to Aternos server?

Please make sure that your server is online if you have problems connecting to your server. The status on the server page should be green and be labelled with “Online”. Also, try to refresh the page, and verify again that your server is online.

Is Aternos server down?

Aternos Status’s Tweets We continue to monitor the situation. Identified: Most nodes are back online and the servers were automatically recovered. We are working on getting the last few nodes back online as well. Resolved: The problem is resolved now and everything should be working as expected again.

Do XRay mods work on servers?

WARNING. THIS IS NOT A MOD FOR USE ON MULTIPLAYER SERVERS! Most, if not all, servers block X-ray mods because using them counts as cheating in the server and might result in a ban. It is strongly advised NOT to use this mod in multiplayer.

How do I get unbanned from a Aternos server?

Or you can unban the player with the command “/pardon-ip [ip]” in the console when your server is online. To get the IP address, list all IP bans with the command “/banlist ips”.

How do I turn off idle kick on Aternos?

You can’t change the idle timeout and you can’t disable it. It is set to 10 minutes by our system automatically as we only want active players to use their server.

How do I make my Aternos server run 24 7?

No, you can’t make your server 24/7. Just tell them to make an Aternos account so they can also start the server.

What is XRay in Minecraft?

The X-Ray Mod is a functional mod that lets the player see through blocks among other features such as showing coordinates and the use of a light setting when in dark places.