Does area damage work with thorns?
Does area damage work with thorns?
Also, Reflected Thorns and Hack cannot proc Area Damage.
How much damage does thorns do Diablo 3?
Thorns damage is increased by your primary attribute, 1% per point, as any other damage. However, it may not score Critical Hits, and does not benefit from it in any way.
Does strength affect thorns damage?
Strength still scales your Thorns damage and is recommended across the board.
How does dexterity work in Diablo 3?
Diablo III As of Patch 2.1, Dexterity increases Armor (1 Armor for 1 Dexterity), in the same way Strength does for all classes. Monks and Demon Hunters (both use dexterity as their primary attribute) also increase all damage output by 1% for each point in Dexterity.
How do damage multipliers work in Diablo 3?
The basic rule is that everything is multiplied together. Most factors start at 100%, and have multipliers added on. For example, +40% physical damage results in a 1.4 multiplier, and +20% primary skill damage results in a 1.2 multiplier when using that skill.
How much does dexterity increase damage?
As of Patch 2.1, Dexterity increases Armor (1 Armor for 1 Dexterity), in the same way Strength does for all classes. Monks and Demon Hunters (both use dexterity as their primary attribute) also increase all damage output by 1% for each point in Dexterity.
How does damage multipliers work?
A damage multiplier is the number that the base damage of a weapon or attack is multiplied by to yield the actual damage. Although the values of the numbers have changed throughout the series, generally shots to the head and neck increase damage, while hitting the limbs and hands will decrease damage.
What is reforging a Legendary?
Reforge Legendary or Set Item Sacrificing great quantities of magical ingredients, the Horadric incantation known as the Law of Kulle allows you to reforge any Legendary or Set item. This process will grant your item different attributes, and may transform it into an Ancient or Primal Ancient version of the same item.