Does Ace Attorney have Dual Destinies?

It is the fifth main entry in the Ace Attorney series, and was originally released for the Nintendo 3DS in 2013, with iOS and Android versions following in 2014 and 2017….

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies
Genre(s) Adventure, visual novel
Mode(s) Single-player

How many cases are in Dual Destinies?

five cases
Dual Destinies is divided into five cases, each with two distinct phases: investigation of the crime scene and surrounding areas, and pressing witnesses in the courtroom.

Did Shu Takumi work on Dual Destinies?

After the release of the Nintendo 3DS, Takumi came back as scenario writer for the crossover game Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. Takumi was not involved in the development of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies due to concentrating his efforts on said crossover game at the time.

Why is aa Dual Destinies rated M?

A new trailer for Dual Destinies released today shows the Mature rating and describes the game as featuring “violence, blood, suggestive themes and language.” This means that the ESRB recommends the game, a lighthearted comedic series of adventure puzzle games about a young defense attorney, only be played by those 17 …

Why is Dual Destinies in 3D?

“Simply taking the original 2D screen’s perspectives and camera angles and tossing in 3D models ended up making it appear completely different.” One of the most notable changes will be Phoenix Wright’s famous pose, which will come with a changed perspective.

Why did Shu Takumi leave Ace Attorney?

Phoenix Wright creator Shu Takumi felt the series should not continue following the release of the third game, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations, he told Official Nintendo Magazine. Takumi states the Phoenix character had been fully explored, leaving no reason to continue.

Can a kid play Ace Attorney?

The content of this game is suitable for persons aged 7 years and over only. It contains: Non realistic looking violence towards fantasy characters. The content of this game is suitable for persons aged 12 years and over only. It contains: Mild bad language.

What is Phoenix Wright rated?

M” for Mature
Capcom has confirmed to Joystiq that Phoenix Wright Dual Destinies has been rated “M” for Mature by the ESRB, making it the first game in the series to be given such a designation. Previous entries in the Phoenix Wright mythos have all been rated “T” for Teen.